Are you nuts

"Rainenmaru, hold this guy down for some time, I and Konenmaru will take down this young lad." Suien said. Rainenmaru was the koi fish that was injured while Konemaru was the other. Rainenmaru nodded and looked at approaching Corazon with anger on its fishy eyes. How dare someone hurt its beauty scales. This mad deserved death. Rainenemaru spit water bullet from it's mouth.

Corazon who saw the attack, used his Tao Mandalas to protect himself but he was dragged away from the continuous impact. Corazon slowly was realizing why Aoto had once warned him that the powers of this world wasn't weak in any way and in most cases more ridiculous than the Devil fruits.

Meanwhile the other koi fish with Suien engaged Itachi.

"Mizu Kenbu" (Water Sword Dance)

The koi fish glided through the sky with a mesmerizing dance, and Suien, now emboldened by their presence, initiated his attack. Both Suien and the koi fish created a swirling vortex of water, condensing it into solid sword-like forms that streaked towards Itachi with extraordinary speed.

Itachi reacted swiftly, relying on his kenjutsu training to parry the water swords with his Onyx Blade. Each clash created a dazzling spectacle of sparks and splashes, as the young Uchiha struggled to hold his ground against the relentless assault.

Not to be outdone, Itachi formulated a counterattack. With a swift hand sign, he activated his own ninjustu. It had to be remembered that Itachi became a chunin without the help of sharingan so of course he knew some ninjutsus.

"Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu" (Mist Waltz Technique)

A thick mist enveloped the battlefield, shrouding Itachi.

"Kage Bunhsin no Jutsu" ( Shadow clone jutsu )

Itachi wasn't done with one jutsu as he made two clones of himself and spread apart. The mist which had enveloped was only effective in a small area covering Suien and Itachi. Aoto and the rest weren't in the range at all.

The koi fish and Suien lost sight of their opponents, momentarily halting their assault. Within the mist, Itachi seized the advantage. With masterful precision, he and his clones unleashed a barrage of shurikens aimed with calculated accuracy. The mist acted as an ally, obscuring the shurikens' trajectories, rendering them nearly impossible to predict.

The shurikens were so precise that a few of them actually hit at the eyes of Konenmaru and that too in both of them. Konenamru cried out in pain. This was enough for Konenmaru to become a puff of smoke and vanish. Their weakness were there unclosed eyes to begin with and Itachi had always known that so he went for the weakness showing how high his battle IQ was.

No wonder he was such a genius.

Corazon found himself locked in battle with the other koi fish, Rainenmaru. Although not a battle genius, he used a combination of magic and strength to bring down the formidable beast, with John providing cover and assistance. Their experience from previous arena battles had honed their cooperation, enabling them to effectively work together.

Rainenmaru's body was covered in bruises and impaled by a sword before it vanished in a puff of white smoke. As the mist slowly cleared, the remaining shinobi were taken down by Guy and Kakashi.

The children, now under the care of Aoto and John, directed their hatred towards Suien, recognizing him as the mastermind behind their ordeal. Though young, they understood the concept of justice and hoped that the shinobi would deliver it.

Despite being a little fatigued after using the last two jutsu, Suien remained ready for a few more rounds. However, with his subordinates defeated and his summoning beasts gone, anger simmered in his gaze. Yet, a small smile crept onto his lips, unsettling the others.

"What's so amusing?" Aoto demanded, bringing forth a half-circle Tao Mandala, prepared to take him down.

"Hahahah... We planned everything from the start. Thinking we could take down Kakashi and the young genius, but I never expected other shinobi to be present. I admit, I made a huge mistake," Suien admitted, his laughter carrying a chilling edge.

"Admitting your mistakes won't absolve you of your crimes," Itachi interjected, finally speaking up. Though he had remained silent after Kirin's death, his anger was palpable to Aoto.

"Hahahah... I know, and for that, I have a big gift for you all," Suien replied, placing two fingers on his mouth before proceeding to whistle loudly. The whistle was loud and clear it rang through the forest.

"Everyone in defense." Kakashi shouted as he expected another kind of trap and ambush. Everyone stood with backs at each other ready to engage. They didn't go after Suien as there could be another kind of trap here. But Corazon had his eyebrows creased as he looked in one direction.

"Someone is coming. Is that even a person?" Corazon pointed his finger in one direction.

Everyone turned around to look and soon a man hopping from trees to trees appeared. Everyone looked at the single man who seemed to be in his 50s,quite well built and wore the waterfall headband.

But Corazon didn't have a good face when he looked at the man.

"He isn't a person. He is something else." Corazon proclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Guy couldn't help but ask. From all angles the man appeared to be normal.

"He has something inside of him. I don't know what is it, but its very dangerous. I can feel the power from here." Corazon said. Corazon with his Observation haki and magic was able to sense something was wrong with this man. Guy and others were confused but not Aoto.

Kakashi too came to the same conclusion as Aoto as they both looked at Suien.

"You brought a jinchuriki?" Both blurted out at the same time.

"Are you nuts?"

"Do you want to die with us?"

"Hahahaha.. It's a small price to pay to bring you down. Shinji bring them down. Show them the power of the Seven tails." Everyone's eyes became wide when Suien declared that.


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