I just wanted to do business

Aoto's eye brows creased as he saw this. He was just here to do business and now he was embroiled into a battle that was way out of his league. He didn't even belong to Akatsuki and still came across a Jinchuriki!

"Aoto.. Corazon.. John.. You guys stand back. We will take this from here." Kakashi said as he for the first time took the mask down from his face and opened the other eye. The eye of the Sharingan. He had avoided using Sharingan because it was very taxing on his body and chakra and always avoided it if he could do so but now there was no other option.

Itachi and Guy too became serious. Aoto and other promptly stood back while raising the Tao Mandalas into a larger size and pointing it towards the man who had just appeared. He didn't seem to have any emotions and looked like he was on autopilot mode.

"Kakashi-sensei, Guy-sensei, let's work together and bring him back to his senses." Itachi said with his small stature and unwavering determination,

"You can count on us, young Itachi! Remember, the power of teamwork and youthful spirit will guide us through!" Guy said while pumping his fists.

The young Uchiha acknowledged their words with a nod and leaped into action. He expertly jumped into the nearby, utilizing his chunin-level agility to gain a strategic vantage point. His mind raced, devising a plan to counter this zombie that had just appeared.

As Itachi launched a barrage of kunai at the Jinchuriki, he noticed Kakashi positioning himself nearby, ready to exploit any openings. The Copy Ninja called out, "I'll keep him distracted with my Chidori! Be ready to act!"

The man who was in a autopilot mode seemed to have sensed the malice of Itachi a dark and ominous aura began to emanate from him. His eyes glowed with an eerie intensity, and his body convulsed as the chakra of the Tailed Beast red cloak surged within him. Aoto who was watching all of this gulped. He had only seen the cloak form in anime in his previous life but seeing it in reality was a different matter.

John and Corazon both activated the Shield of Seraphim and covered each and everyone. It was a large, circular, magical shield of energy which offered a wide area of protection from physical harm.

"Itachi, Kakashi look out!" Guy called out, his voice filled with concern for the first time. The kunais being shot were squatted away like nothing and Kakashi who had his hand lit up lightning stopped

Before their eyes, the man's body underwent a startling transformation. His form expanded, muscles bulging with unnatural strength, as five swirling tails of chakra emerged from his back. The forest trembled under the immense power being unleashed. Suien had already vanished from their sight and was hiding far away. The people from Konoha could do the same but there were children here and it would be dangerous if this guy went after them.

Itachi gulped, not expecting such a rapid escalation. "This... this is incredible," he said, trying to steady himself.

Kakashi's Sharingan spun to life, analyzing the transformation. "We need to act fast. He is losing control!"

Guy's determination only grew stronger, his eyes brimming with conviction. "Then let's act as one! We won't let this power consume him!"

The unleashed power of the Five Tails was terrifying to behold, and the ground beneath the Jinchuriki's feet cracked as he roared, his eyes filled with anger and pain.

Without hesitation, Itachi, Kakashi, and Guy sprang into action, facing the Jinchuriki in his transformed state. Their teamwork and coordination became even more critical now that Jinchuriki's power had multiplied.

Kakahsi activated his Chidori and jumped to take the Jinchuriki down while Itachi didn't let the transformation affect him for too long. He took out shurikens. As the crackling bolt of lightning surged towards the Jinchuriki, Itachi watched as Guy leaped into action, activating his primary Lotus. His limbs moved with the speed and grace that only a true taijutsu master possessed. With a resounding impact, Guy's attack connected, sending Takeshi sprawling back momentarily.

The Seven Tails roared in pain and anger, its tails thrashing violently around. Seeing an opportunity, Itachi leaped from his hiding spot, performing a series of hand signs.

Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)

He exhaled a stream of fireballs with shurikens at their cores towards the creature, aiming to contain its movements. Guy followed up with a powerful kick, sending the Jinchuriki soaring further away. "Well done, Kakashi! Now, Itachi, keep up the pressure!"

Itachi acknowledged Guy's command, not missing a beat. He swiftly performed more hand signs. "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

He channeled his chakra, summoning a large water serpent that lunged at the Jinchuriki.

"The Gate of Limit : Open."

Guy unlocked the Fifth Gate, his speed reaching unprecedented levels. And with that he assaulted the Jinchuriki as he sent him hurtling away towards Kakashi who had activated chidori again and stabbed the man with all his might. But sadly the demon cloak seemed to have stopped the attack but the impact was not to be scoffed over as the Jinchuriki was again thrown away. One could hear the bones cracking when he hit some of the trees and bushes along the way.

This man truly was working as a weapon.

Kakashi, Guy who body seemed to be lit up with green light and Itachi all jumped and stood in front of the Seraphim shield and looked at the distant where the Jinchuriki was lying down. The trees and the bushes around had all been destroyed. Though the attack was momentary but when the Jinchuriki lashed it destroyed many things around and thus the debris were everywhere.

"Is it dead?"

"No. It's just gotten more angry now." Corazon from the other side of the Serpahim wall said. The children already had extreme fear and tears in their eyes. Hearing this, they shuddered more.


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