Take him out of the battlefield

The Jinchuriki of the Seven Tails raged on, Takeshi's power continued to surge, threatening to overwhelm him completely. The ground shook as his five tails thrashed violently, and amid the chaos, a change started occurring.

The man slowly rose to his feet. His body was now engulfed in a crimson-red chakra cloak, the malevolent aura growing more pronounced by the second. One could easily see his skin getting burned away, now replaced by something much darker than red. Aoto immediately recalled the times when Naruto and Bee used to transform. He had witnessed this transformation when Naruto fought against Orochimaru in search of Sasuke.

"This is bad," Aoto called out. Like him, everyone could tell that the situation had escalated into a dire one. Now six tails emerged from the man's back, and upon closer inspection, the tails looked like the wings of an insect.

His transformation was so powerful that the ground beside the man caved in. It was horrifying to witness.

"Kakashi, you take the children and run. I will stop this beast."

"Guy, it's not the time to be a hero. Even if we run, we won't be safe, and this guy is after me, to begin with," Kakashi said.

"I can kill him if I open the 6th gate," Guy said.

"Are you crazy?" Kakashi roared.

"Don't worry, Kakashi. I still have a lot of youth left in my body. Nothing will happen to me," Guy reassured.

"Guys, something is happening," Aoto called out. Everyone looked closely at the red-colored body of the Jinchuriki, who had opened its mouth, proceeding to open it far wider than any normal person would.

In no time, a small purple-colored ball was generated and floated right in front of the Jinchuriki's mouth.

"John, Corazon, concentrate and use every inch of power in the Seraphim Shield," Aoto shouted. Seeing the purple-colored ball, he could already tell what it was. Guy and Itachi were a little confused, but Kakashi knew what it was. "You guys come behind me. There is no escaping this," Aoto continued.

"We need to run. You will not be able to stop this."

"We can't run. It's already too late," Aoto said. Corazon and John could tell that this purple ball thing was dangerous for some reason and concentrated on the shield magic.

"Will this shield be able to stop the attack?" Kakashi had no other choice but to get behind the three. He still wasn't sure how these guys were able to perform such kind of 'jutsus' that he had never seen before, and the astonishing part was that his Sharingan wasn't able to trace the chakra lines and copy the technique.

Everything was obscure to him.

"None of us know the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique), so no, we can't outrun this," Aoto said. The jutsu momentarily brought memories of the past, but he steeled his heart the next second and performed some hand signs.

Soon, a number of earth walls were placed just before the multiple Seraphim Shields, and Itachi did the same. He was already skilled in all the nature releases. Only Guy stood behind them.

Meanwhile, the Jinchuriki didn't send the tailed beast bomb to explode in front of Aoto and his companions. Instead, he did something more sinister. He proceeded to eat up the tailed beast bomb, causing his body to enlarge within seconds, making him look like an inflated balloon.

And then he opened his mouth and sent a straight laser beam right at Aoto and his friends. The attack was devastating. It destroyed everything on it's path. The surrounding trees got obliterated even though they weren't in the path to begin with. The first mud walls made by Itachi and Kakashi were only able to hold for a microsecond before crumbling apart.

And the it struck the Seraphim Shield. Aoto's shield was the first one and it could only hold for 1 second before he was thrown back. He vomited blood right after doing so as he felt some of his rib bones crack due to the impact. And then came the turn of Corazon.

He tried his best to hold down the Shield against this concentrated laser type attack. But he too could only last for 3 seconds and thrown much further away and hit a tree a behind. Kakashi had seen this and tried stopping the momentum of Corazon. He was already surprised that this man could even hold down for such a long time against a tailed beast attack.

He helped Corazon cushion his fall as Kakashi used water release to make sure he wasn't hurt that badly, but even then he Corazon was injured. And next came the turn of John. He was the winner. He was able to take the last few seconds left of the laser type attack and come out victorious.

The shield was in shambles but it did stop the attack at the end. Guy and the children jumped in joy seeing that they weren't dead.

"This is the advantage of youth. We have come out on top." Guy said with cheer. The children too cheered with him while Itachi and Kakashi went and made Aoto and Corazon slowly stand up again. This was the first time Aoto was hurt this much badly and he could say that it hurt like a bitch. He proceeded to bring out the instant healing potion and gulp it down.

Corazon also had one and gulped down too. Within seconds all the broken bones and bruises healed. He felt relieved but the seriousness in his face didn't go down. He looked at the Jinchuriki as the partial transformed man slowly got back to his original size. Using that concentrated attack didn't seem to go too well for him too.

"John you did well." Aoto was glad that John had such high talent of magic and that too chaos magic. It definitely helped. He just nodded and continued looking at the jinchuriki.

"How are we going to handle him?" John asked.

"We need to take him out of the battlefield and only then can try to calm him down." Aoto said.


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