I will be the shopkeeper

Musashi stepped forward and whispered into Mifune's ear. Throughout the exchange, Mifune maintained a surprised expression. He briefly glanced at Kakashi, then at Aoto, and finally at the others. After the exchange of words, Musashi stepped back, allowing Mifune to take over the conversation.

"Welcome to the Land of Iron. I apologize for my friend's impolite behavior. I hope it hasn't affected the purpose of your visit. I have heard much about you, Copy Ninja, and the Green Beast."

Both Kakashi and Gai blushed slightly and introduced themselves. Aoto visibly sighed with relief, as he began to place a degree of trust in Mifune's character – someone who didn't appear power-hungry and possessed a more rational mindset compared to many current Kage.

"Thank you, Mifune-sama."

With introductions concluded, a casual discussion unfolded regarding the global situation. Since the Land of Iron abstained from engaging in wars, Mifune inquired about certain aspects, being in conversation with a legend of the Third Great Ninja War.

Following the more formal discourse, Aoto finally broached the topic of establishing a shop in the village. Mifune's demeanor shifted, and he posed a crucial question.

"May I see the katana?"

Aoto turned his gaze to Itachi, who stepped forward, offering his katana to Mifune. Mifune accepted it, meticulously examining the blade's edge with his own hands.

"This katana doesn't appear to be the work of a specialist," Mifune remarked after a moment.

"No, the maker isn't well-versed in blacksmithing. Hence, the katana here doesn't qualify as a refined piece. Part of our reason for coming here is to seek artisans who can craft better katanas, kunai, and shurikens," Aoto explained.

"We can't engage in crafting kunai and shuriken, as that contradicts the samurai ideology, we will only sell the katanas to us and the Konoha and nobody else, if a samurai or a shinobi of konoha falls in a battle, it is none of the responsibility of the Land of Iron." Mifune stated firmly. His tone left no room for negotiation. Aoto stiffened, yet he comprehended Mifune's stance.

Mifune's reasoning was twofold: firstly, forging such weapons would align them with Konoha and consequently involve them in political matters, favoring the village. Secondly, it was incompatible with their historical and ideological foundations, tracing back to the samurai's inception.

"Obviously and the samurai village can undertake the production of katanas. We will provide the necessary materials. However, exporting the metal won't be permissible. The durability of the katana relies on the specific metal we supply. I'm aware the samurai maintain a distinct ideology, but you do acknowledge the fickleness of human nature, right?" Aoto straightforwardly stated, causing Musashi to become visibly irritated.

"Are you doubting the straightforward and honorable nature of the samurai? Do you believe samurai to be inherently flawed?" He exclaimed.

"Mushashi, stop! An ideology doesn't guarantee unwavering adherence to its tenets. I grasp your concerns. We will ensure the resources are appropriately managed. I'll also appoint someone for the task of overseeing this matter, along with a suitable blacksmith," Mifune intervened, putting an end to the escalating tension.

"Thank you, Taisho-sama. Here is a list of items I intend to sell here, and I hope you will grant your approval," Aoto stated, producing a list of items he wished to offer. Initially, Mifune was prepared to reject any proposals that contradicted their samurai ideology, but as he reviewed the list, he became increasingly surprised.

Among the items were some peculiarities, such as computers, and some outright perplexing choices, including lingerie. Aoto's intentions seemed far more varied and unconventional than Mifune had anticipated. He even noticed the inclusion of automail, a revelation that startled him. Kakashi's expression, however, seemed to vouch for the authenticity of the proposition.

Formal negotiations commenced between Mifune and Aoto. Eventually, Aoto broached the primary purpose of his visit, and with each revelation, Mifune's astonishment grew.

"How do you possess knowledge of elements that within our land that we have chakra-conductive metal?" Mifune inquired, sensing a breach of their land's privacy.

"Mifune-sama, I assure you that we didn't infiltrate covertly. If that were the case, we wouldn't have approached you for discussion or proposed selling the metal. We intend to offer the chakra-conductive metal here as well, allowing you to use and profit from it. Our knowledge comes from my unique methods, distinct from conventional ninjutsu. You'll understand once I explain, but please trust our intentions and allow us to mine the required elements," Aoto explained, seeking to maintain transparency. Mifune paused, contemplating the situation before responding.

"I will place my trust in your words. However, the blacksmith shop you propose will be situated next to my office, and I will personally oversee it," Mifune declared.



Even Aoto, Mushashi, and others were taken aback by this statement.

"Uh! But you're a Taisho, how can you be a shopkeeper?" Aoto questioned, expressing his confusion.

"In order to vigilantly monitor Konoha, we require the best individuals. Though I'm not one to boast, I understand my own capabilities well enough. Only a capable person can effectively keep watch on Konoha. No offense intended," Mifune elaborated. His words caused Kakashi and Might Guy to blush slightly, feeling somewhat humbled.

"None taken. If you're willing to be the shopkeeper, it's actually beneficial. Your presence will offer additional security for the shop," Aoto responded. He wasn't bothered by the idea of Mifune taking on the role; in fact, having a kage-level figure as the shopkeeper provided additional safeguards.

Unlike the shop in Konoha, this one wouldn't enjoy the protection of barriers against hostile forces, making the presence of a kage-level individual an advantage. Aoto's only concern was safeguarding his secrets from Mifune.

This arrangement would demonstrate the Land of Iron's commitment to the partnership, enhancing the credibility of their business endeavors.

"Thank you for the understanding. Having direct administration business with Konoha will already raise eyebrows with the other villages? How do you wish to change that?" Mifune said.

"By having more business with them." Aoto laughed. This made Mifune laugh too.


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