The onsens are the best

"You seem quite money-minded," Mifune observed, accompanied by a light chuckle.

"I am," Aoto responded without hesitation, prompting a grin from Mifune. While Aoto's money-driven attitude was evident, Mifune perceived some underlying ideals in him. Aoto's willingness to have Mifune serve as the shopkeeper indicated his business-focused perspective rather than any political or sinister motives.

Although this didn't necessarily imply that Konoha or any other village was more virtuous, Aoto was open to cooperation and improvement, given the chance. Mifune, known for his flexibility and mediator role among villages, recognized the potential for collaboration.

"Where in this land can the chakra conductive metal be found?" Mifune inquired.

"We don't know yet," Aoto admitted awkwardly, causing confusion for Mifune.

"Didn't you mention that the Land of Iron possesses the metal?" Mifune questioned further.

"Yes, but we haven't surveyed your land or infiltrated to locate it. I possess a technique that can provide a general location, which points to this region," Aoto clarified.

"Is there some kind of ninjutsu, that can do that?" Mifune was surprised that the world could even come up with such kind of ninjutsu.

"Uh yes. It's the same way I found the strongest metal and thus made the katana that you have seen." Aoto replied.

Mifune acknowledged and since they had come from far, they were asked to live in the village for a day before searching for the metal the following day. Kakashi and others had been entirely silent in the whole negotiation and let Aoto take the lead here, as Hokage had ordered that.

Hokage had not only sent Aoto just for being the man who could recognize the metal but also see if he could establish business with the Land of Iron. If he couldn't, it was a just a missed opportunity, but if he could then it would mean that Aoto had a special knack for business. Kakashi was glad that everything worked out fine.

Despite the cold climate and occasional snowfall, the village had onsens (Japanese hot springs). While Konoha had its own onsens, the prospect of using the ones at the mansion provided by Mifune was exciting.

After settling into the mansion, everyone indulged in the onsen together, sharing their enjoyment.

"This is incredibly relaxing," Corazon sighed contentedly.

"We should frequent the onsens in Konoha more often."

"You're right. It's like a youth revival."

"Guy-san, it appears onsens are part of your regular routine."

"Absolutely! The body deserves rest too."

Certainly, here's the revised version of the text with corrected grammar:

Kakashi still wore his mask while a towel covered his head, reading a manga and enjoying the hot onsen in peace. He remained slightly weak but was functioning much better now.

He pondered how to report to the Hokage about what had occurred before their arrival. Surviving a Seven Tails attack was a monumental feat, and he was certain that other villages were on high alert. Their return to Konoha might prove to be quite thorny. Kakashi sighed as these thoughts crossed his mind.


The next day,

Aoto, accompanied by his friends and Mushashi, as well as guards, set out on a journey in search of conductive metal. The system had already indicated the direction, so it didn't take them long to reach the destination.

Within two hours, they arrived at a valley blanketed in snow and surrounded by mountains. In the distance, Aoto spotted fur-covered creatures moving about, such as bears and even a snow leopard, though they were far away.

"It's here," Aoto announced.

"In this valley?" Mushashi inquired.

"Yes," Aoto replied, producing a mining tool and commencing to dig in that very location. Initially, he brushed away the snow, then after some digging, he uncovered a purple-colored rock. Other similarly hued rocks dotted the dig site; this was merely a fragment.

"Is this the one you're searching for?" Mushashi asked.

"Yes. This valley holds the highest concentration of it, and you can employ your country's labor. Konoha won't interfere with your affairs, but it's hoped you'll compensate your workers fairly," Aoto explained. Mushashi nodded, taken aback that the Land of Iron possessed such a metal. Perhaps a survey was needed to identify other metals within their borders.

However, the heavy snow in the area would undoubtedly complicate their survey. Mushashi was also astonished that Konoha had developed a ninjutsu capable of detecting metal from such a distance. It was, essentially, a money-making ninjutsu, and even Mifune had suggested that the technique might be on par with S-class abilities.

Envy stirred within him, but it was a fleeting emotion. After displaying the rock, Aoto and his companions returned to the village. Aoto proceeded to discuss the agreement, leading to the drafting of an extensive document. Konoha and the Land of Iron were to engage in a business agreement involving the sale of katana crafted from the metal Aoto touted as the strongest and found in their very backyard.

The agreement included the exchange of metal and also entailed sending skilled blacksmiths from their land to Konoha. This would greatly benefit Konoha, enhancing their weapons arsenal beyond just shurikens and kunais.

Furthermore, the agreement granted exclusive rights to Aoto, allowing him to sell other items such as the mad honey. Some of the transactions would involve the Uchiha clan, and Aoto had no objections.

The negotiations for the agreement extended for an additional two days, as Aoto meticulously calculated his interests and potential profits. Construction on a nearby shop had already begun. Once a comprehensive agreement was reached, it was sealed with Kakashi's and Mifune's endorsements. Although it was temporary until the Hokage's signature was secured, Kakashi assured Aoto that the Hokage was amenable to whatever terms he negotiated.

This reassured Mifune, confirming Hiruzen's complete trust in Aoto and bringing him a sense of contentment. With everything in place on the 4th day Aoto and others started their return journey. Kakashi and others had asked for special dress in order to cover their identity as he was expecting an ambush for sure.


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