That is impossible

"Oh. It's good that you will be free from the chains of this half dead man." Aoto said.

"Eh! Aren't you scared of me?" Chomei asked. It had many questions in its head but it had too much ego to even ask. And addition to its hatred to humans, it didn't even bother to ask.

"Scared? Why? You aren't able to do anything to us even after you controlling the jinchuriki and close to breaking the seal. After you break the seal, your imprisonment isn't going to vanish itself."

"I will kill you." Chomei shouted and tried to stab Aoto but it couldn't move.

"I feel like somehow Aoto is deliberately inciting the beast." Corazon said.

"I think so too." Shikuro and others too nodded at it. Shikuro was a bit unsettled at the beginning when he saw Chomei in the library but he has also learned a lot in the library and came to know about beings that were much powerful than the tailed beasts.

It made him fear at the beginning because of the presence of these beasts but now that he had studied more he could understand that only knowledge would help him fight against these beasts.

And though he wasn't powerful enough as of yet, he could see himself fighting those kinds of monsters and thus was actively learning magic and sorcery. And another thing was that these beings wouldn't necessarily come and knock at their home.

But nonetheless, not only Shikuro, but everyone who had been in the library for a long time had enough knowledge by this point and their perspective had changed a lot.

"Can you chill for a bit and take things a little slow?" Aoto asked.

"What does that mean?" Chomei asked as he was confused about the new type of accent and language that Aoto had just used.

"Huh! C'mon, don't tell me you haven't talked to anyone since Hagoromo talked with you." Aoto asked and instantly the flickering of the wings of Chomei stopped. Chomei seemed to stiffen up and had it's head slowly bent down and looked at Aoto.

"How do you know that name?" Chomei asked and this time there was no threat in it's voice but carried a sense of apprehensiveness.

"What? You thought I know nothing and brought you here for fun?" Aoto asked and had a smirk on his face. The others were confused as they had never heard that name before.

"Then what do you want from me? And you haven't replied of how you know that name. People have forgotten that name a long time ago."

"it doesn't matter of how I know that name and I want nothing from you. I just need to derail the plans of someone who wants to revive the ten tails and you are just a piece of the puzzle." Aoto said.

"How... How do you know of the ten tails? And who wants to revive it?" Chomei asked.

"Sigh! It's Madara Uchiha."

"That guy!" Chomei had anger in its voice as it repeated that name. It had known that name for quite a long time. Had even controlled its friend Kyuubi before and caused havoc.

"That is impossible. Madara Uchiha is dead." Shikuro shouted from behind. He had been listening to their conversation closely. It was the first time he had seen someone converse with a tailed beast, and it was quite exciting.

So when he heard that Madara Uchiha wanted to revive something he denied the possibility. Though he didn't understand what ten tails was, he knew for sure that Madara Uchiha was dead.

"Shikuro, you have learnt magic. Is it that weird for you if a person is brought back to life or made to live for a long time?" Aoto asked.

"But you are wrong. The first hokage defeated and killed him long ago." Shikuro shouted almost unable to believe that Madara could be alive.

"It's a little complicated. I will explain you later, just assume that Madara is half alive now." Aoto said as it was a long story involving Obito and Madara's manipulation and it would take time to explain.

"If he is half alive now, then we should go and kill him right now. Are the Uchiha's harboring the criminal? If so we should go and ask them to hand him over." Shikuro asked.

"Shikuro, you have been here for quite sometime. Tell me, have you ever seen me having a nasty attitude towards the Uchiha? I should have been away from them since I know Madara is alive."

"Eh! Umm.." Shikuro didn't know how to reply. Aoto had always been neutral about his attitude to people. "Then how should we deal with Madara?"

"He will have his own time and don't need to bother with him. Right now we have Chomei and thus have the piece of the puzzle. We just need for the enemy to make a move." Aoto said.

"But.." Shikuro wanted to catch the criminal.

"Shikuro, we are not powerful enough to catch Madara or his minion. Not yet. He isn't going anywhere. Let's take this slow and steady."Aoto said. "Now Chomei, as you have heard, you won't be able to leave this place anytime soon. But you have been in captivity for sometime now. Once you break the seal, you can go and read the books here. Who knows, maybe you will learn a lot more here."

"What? You think I will be interested in some human made books?" Chomei had his own pride and would never read the books of humans.

"You will be bored here anyways.. Why not entertain yourself a bit." Aoto asked. But Chomei didn't even bother. He was still hung up of how Aoto knew the name of Hagoromo and even knew of ten tails.

He wanted the answers to that but Aoto refused to do so. Shikuro was also conflicted, and wanted to inform Hokage or Danzo about the danger of Madara but Aoto wouldn't allow him.

He knew that the moment he stepped out to inform about Madara, the contract seal would break and he would be killed. He wouldn't even be able to utter about it to the Hokage before dying.


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