It can read

Aoto no longer bothered with Chomei. Since he was stubborn, let him be. Being a jinchuriki would at least allow it to move around, but here he could hardly move an inch, and that too with the body of the jinchuriki.

Aoto knew that one day, Chomei would get bored and take a look at the books, and that would be enough. He wanted to see if these beasts had some magical talent or not.

Tailed beasts doing magic. Now that would be one hell of a scene.

After the brief conversation, Aoto was back at home with Shikuro following behind him. His face screamed uneasiness and anger. Upon returning home, everybody sat down.

"I believe you have questions, Shikuro. Ask away," Aoto said.

"Did you always know about Madara?" Shikuro asked. Aoto was always very enigmatic. Even with all the magical knowledge he had been consuming for such a long time, there were things that Aoto had said before that didn't make sense to him. So he wanted to know the truth now. He was under Aoto's control anyways, so it didn't matter even if he knew the truth; it wouldn't go out anyway.

"Yes, I have always known," Aoto admitted.

"Then why didn't you try to stop the Kyuubi attack? Your parents died in that," Shikuro asked.

"Shikuro, do you think my knowledge came before I was out of the womb of my mother? Magic has shown me many things, and it came to me slowly," Aoto replied, easily deflecting the fact that he was transmigrated. Shikuro fell silent, and what Aoto said made sense. If he had known, he would have definitely saved the lives of his parents.

"We now know magic, and we can definitely go and confront Madara now. We can ask for help from the Hokage too," Shikuro still held onto the idea that they should go and battle Madara.

"Shikuro, it's a bit more complicated than you think. Remember what happened in the Hidden Rain Village, right? The guy is just one of Madara's pawns. Remember, he is just one of them; there are more. Tell me, do you still think you can take them down?" Aoto said.

"That... That guy... He..." Shikuro shuddered a bit when he heard that. That guy had scared him a long time ago, and now he was just one of the pawns. There was a long pause, and Corazon was the one who broke the silence.

"What is this ten tails?" Corazon asked.

Aoto went on to explain where the tailed beasts originated from and what kind of being the ten tails was. The more they heard, the more surprised and horrified they became.

"Aoto, we can never let a ten tails come back to life," Edward said. The tale of the ten tails reminded him of the Father. Back then, it was just a country, and now it was the whole world. And it was even more cruel.

"Yes, that is our goal. I am in business so my main aim is to spread all over the world and also ensure that humanity never suffers, or else our business is over. John, you asked me before why I am involved in politics and power play; this is the reason," Aoto said. The others nodded and also understood why Aoto was interested in the tailed beasts and even allowed Chomei to learn magic.

Aoto talked more about the origin of ninjutsu and the Ōtsutsuki Clan. Shikuro's jaw dropped when he heard this. When he started learning magic, he had come to know about the universe and even the multiverse. So he knew that there were aliens, but he had never expected that even his own world was touched by aliens.

And that they had survived the disaster. The atmosphere at home had calmed down by the time Aoto spoke of the horrors of aliens and their power. They all clenched their fists and vowed to themselves that they wouldn't let themselves be fodder for someone else's power.

After some more discussion, they left for the library to study again. Until now, they had been studying for fun and gaining knowledge, but this time it was for a purpose.

"Remember, business is one of the ways that humanity can have better contact with each other. The more business we do, the more people will interact with each other. Only through interaction can we let go of the hatred that has accumulated throughout battles and wars," Aoto said as they left for the library.

From then on, the atmosphere in the library changed a lot. Everyone started to work diligently, approaching business with more enthusiasm and studying magic with a purpose. They also treated Chomei just like any other human being.

Chomei was taken aback at first as it had noticed that there was chakra in one of them, but even he was very polite to them and sometimes would come and talk about his kid to Chomei, even though Chomei barely replied.

Business was booming, and one night, about six months later, Chomei was finally freed from the jinchuriki as the person died after breaking the seal. Of course, Chomei was exhilarated and thought it was finally free, but the library was there to bring back the harsh reality.

At this point, Chomei knew that this library was its new prison, and there was nothing it could do to escape. Chomei used all of its power to break free from the confinement, but it was in vain.

"Are you done with your tantrums?" Aoto asked after seeing Chomei calm down. Chomei didn't speak and just looked at Aoto with no expression. Aoto didn't care and slowly a book flew towards him, floating near Chomei.

"Read it," Aoto said. The book floated up and opened right in front of Chomei's face. Chomei wanted to destroy the book, but once again, the library constrained it. In the end, Chomei was forced to read through the book.

At first, Chomei didn't even bother and was just doing it to pass the time. But the more it read, the more surprised it became. Surprisingly, after Chomei finished reading the book, it wanted to read more, and the library sent a book to Chomei by itself.

The library seemed to have a kind of awareness when it came to Aoto, so he had instructed the library to allow Chomei to read the books whenever it wanted. Today was the day that instruction was fulfilled.


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