There is Law here

The subsequent six months seemed to pass in a blur for everyone. Chomei, after the transformative event, underwent a significant change. At the very least, its incessant screaming ceased. Chomei became engrossed in reading and learning, growing more frantic as its knowledge expanded.

After three months of immersive reading, Chomei even gained permission to be a spectator during the arena battles, a monthly event that allowed participants to assess their progress and identify areas for improvement. Chomei cheered on the combatants, which brought a smile to Aoto's face. Perhaps it was the influence of magic or the camaraderie they extended to Chomei for the first time, treating it like any other individual. Chomei must have cherished that sense of belonging. Aoto found no need to express this sentiment in words; the actions of himself and his friends spoke volumes.

Perhaps these actions gradually softened Chomei's disposition. However, the changes weren't limited to the shop. Another addition to the group was a young child named Torune. Over time, Torune grew under the watchful eyes of everyone present.

This was the same Torune who was supposed to be under Danzo's control but was now experiencing a childhood of care and nurturing. He had acquired multiple father and mother figures in his life by this point. Shikuro was a loving father, yet at the end of the day, he remained a shinobi who had spent too long lurking in the shadows. Besides, the child lacked a mother figure.

Thus, all the members of the shop, including Aoto, took on the role of raising Torune. Shikuro had already introduced poisonous bugs into the child's body from the start, but Aoto advised postponing Torune's magical apprenticeship. Shikuro excelled as a shinobi, but magic was a self-taught skill for them. Mastering magic required a profound understanding of language and writing. Until Torune became proficient in these areas, it was deemed better to delay his magical education.

The business experienced significant growth during this period. The Land of Iron and the Land of Fire commenced trade in Adamantium, and some blacksmiths from Konoha even learned the craft from the blacksmiths of the Land of Iron. Adamantium was selling at an impressive rate.

At the initiation of trade, both Konoha and the Land of Iron were cautious and wary of potential disruptions from other villages. Therefore, they maintained secrecy surrounding the trade operations. Transactions were facilitated using magical pouches provided by Aoto, ensuring that even if an ambush occurred, the core material wouldn't fall into enemy hands.

Another unique feature of the magical pouch was its ease of destruction. If their defenses appeared compromised, they could destroy the pouch, causing its contents to be sent into an unknown space, beyond the reach of potential adversaries.

With the successful trade of Adamantium, Konoha rapidly accumulated wealth. In light of this, and recognizing the potential for further business opportunities, the Hokage himself ordered an exploration of additional avenues for trade.


Aoto had his brows arched these days. Everything was fine but he wasn't exactly happy at this point. He had been listening to rumors now. Of how Naruto Uzumaki was the fox demon. So much so that Naruto was now 'fired' from the orphanage, if at all that was possible.

"The wheels have started turning.." Aoto thought. Danzo still did his work according to the original story. This made Aoto very angry. This guy really had the audacity after being taught a lesson. "Danzo, I will make sure that you will get the brand of the greatest traitor of Konoha. Since you love Konoha so much with your twisted mentality, I will make sure that it will be twisted for the people of Konoha."

Though there were only whispers but Aoto and other could distinctly hear them. Shikuro was a little embarrassed when he heard the rumors. He knew who was responsible for the rumors and now that he had seen Chomei with his own eyes, he could tell that the tailed beasts had been treated bad since history.

He had spoken to Chomei to quite a lot of times and had heard how the humans had treated them over the age, even their own first Hokage distributed the tailed beasts like some candy to be thrown to kids. And though Chomei wasn't particularly angry with the first Hokage, since he wasn't that cruel, the humans as a whole really didn't give them any kind of love.

It was a Sunday, the weather was quite pleasant with little to no clouds in the sky and wind slowly blowing. Aoto was sitting on his chair and playing the Mario game that he had built with the help of the team. He was the one who came up with the 'idea' of games and of course he started with Mario.

At first the team was skeptical, but once they made and started playing they were instantly hooked. And right now the copies of the games were being sold to the people of Konoha.

*kaching* Another source of funds and money for Aoto!

As he was playing, Corazon came to the shop huffing and puffing. It was Sunday, so his shop was closed and even Aoto's shop wasn't supposed to be opened but he had got himself the new model of computer and had put it on the desk of the shop since, his own place was a little crammed up at the moment with loads of magic books.

Corazon took a chair on the side and instantly started puffing out smoke. Normally Aoto didn't mind but from the corner of his eye he could see that something was bothering Corazon. Aoto paused his play and asked.

"What is it?"

"I saw Law." Corazon straight up said.

"What?" Aoto was alarmed when he heard that. Law didn't belong to this world so how could he see Law. "What do you mean?"

"I meant, I saw someone who is taking the same path as Law. Hated by everyone, shunned. He looks like as if he has Amber Lead syndrome. And it pains me seeing him like that." Corazon said.

"What the hell are you talking about. There is no amber lead syndrome here. Not that I know of."

"I know, I am talking about the fox kid."


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