New students to bully

"Aren't you introducing things to Naruto a little too fast? He is still a child, you know," Winry said as he peeled a small orange and ate. Winry and the others still looked at Torune and Naruto, which they were.

"I am not a child. I have grown up," Naruto protested. Hearing this, everyone laughed. Now that he was getting comfortable and understood that these people didn't hold any malice, he could express himself.

"Winry, you are forgetting that the children here get to see blood much earlier," Aoto reminded her and the others. Naruto was confused, but Torune knew what they were talking about and had smiles all over his face when he saw that Aoto was backing them up. "They will be in school soon, so I think it's time."

"Fine," Winry just shrugged her shoulders and admitted.

Aoto brought out a piece of paper and placed it near Naruto and said, "Naruto, this is an employment contract. In the future, if you feel like it, you can work at our store and be paid. In return, I and everyone here will teach you techniques that are unique and different from the ones that will be taught by the academy. It's up to you if you want to sign or not," Aoto said.

Naruto didn't even think for a second and signed it with his clumsy handwriting. Just as he finished signing, Naruto felt some energy enter his body, and he wasn't the only one who felt it; even Kyuubi, who had closed his eyes inside the seal felt it.

He felt some kind of energy and checked himself if there was something wrong with him, but he didn't seem to feel it. And thus without much thought, closed his eyes again. Aoto was surprised that Naruto had signed without even reading the contract.

That could be understood because a contract was too much of a complicated thing for a small child like Naruto to understand and according to Naruto, Aoto had asked for his sign. That was enough. But Naruto was surprised a bit when he saw that the contract page caught fire after he signed it.

"See, he is still a child," Winry teased.

"I am not a child," Naruto shouted, and everyone laughed.


"Right, it's time to show you both something unique," Aoto said. Before Naruto and Torune could react, both of them were taken into the library. Naruto and Torune both jumped in fear, Naruto more so. He had never seen a place more filled with books in his life.

"What is this? So many books?" Naruto shouted as he had already started running around.

"System, what is the talent level of Naruto and Torune?"


The talent of Naruto Uzumaki is master level.

The talent of Torune Aburame is high level.


The mouth of Aoto twitched. No wonder Naruto was the protagonist. Master level talent. None of them had that high of a talent. But it showed that Naruto would probably be a great sorcerer which would help him in his journey.

Seeing Naruto running around, Corazon and Shikuro went after him in order to explain what this place was and what were the things he could do and learn. Torune already had an idea of what he had to do, so he held the hand of Winry and asked for advice on where he could start. Of course, reading wasn't the forte of these young children, so Shikuro and Corazon had decided to be the teachers of the two children.

There was another person in the library too, and that was Chomei. But the tailed beast was no longer a huge monster, having transmuted himself into a human being. Chomei had used magic to transfigure himself and become a young man with black eyes and hair. He looked handsome and had quite the gleam in his eyes.

Nobody would be able to tell that this person was actually a tailed beast and not someone sealed inside a person. When Naruto came across Chomei, he stopped and looked deeply at him.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I am Chomei. Who are you?" Chomei asked as he had never seen Naruto before. Kurama, who was sleeping inside, opened his eyes and looked through the eyes of Naruto. Kurama could feel something was off about this guy but didn't know what. Chomei could also feel some kind of relationship with this guy but didn't know what. The library would suppress the shinobi sensors, and thus both Kurama and Chomei weren't able to exactly feel each other, but their small sensation was still there.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki. And I am going to be..." Before Naruto could finish his sentence, Shikuro caught up to him.

"Ah, I see you have met Chomei already."

"Ah, Chomei, this will be the new kid around and will be learning from us. In fact, the son of Shikuro is here too. Let's go and show you." Corazon came and dragged Chomei away. Chomei could tell something was off, but he didn't mind.

After getting away, Corazon sighed and spoke of the fact that Naruto was the jinchuriki of the 9 tails. Hearing this, Chomei stiffened and then started laughing.

"Hahaha.. The 9 tails.. Inside this kid? Hahahaha.. Oh, I am going to have so much fun poking at the 9 tails now.. hahahah.." Chomei seemed to be particularly happy knowing Naruto was the jinchuriki of the 9 tails.

Seeing his laugh, Corazon could only shudder and hope that Chomei wouldn't just bully Naruto all the way. Of course, Naruto didn't know that his future days in the library would be Chomei having banter with Naruto all the time.

Shikuro now was explaining the library and what they would learn. Shikuro was the first person to start teaching them magic, and suffice to say, the more Shikuro spoke, the more excited Naruto and Torune were.

While Shikuro was actively teaching the two kids, Aoto looked at them from afar and sighed.


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