The system being helpful

The world was going to change, and hopefully for the better, because of his involvement. He hoped that Naruto would become a great sorcerer and be a more balanced man, instead of suffering childhood trauma throughout his life.

Aoto didn't pay much attention and started his own research. Reading and practicing Eldritch magic was a huge undertaking, and the books seemed endless. But his main quest was always celestial magic. That magic was godly from what he had read, and he was aiming for this. He could feel that his magical talent would bloom to a mid-level, and he couldn't wait to be better than he was at the moment.

He had tried his best, but he could feel that his hard work seemed to pale in comparison to talent. So he could only grit his teeth and study. The monthly arena fight was just around the corner, and he wanted to surprise everyone.

The next day.

Aoto noticed that there were few people at the bakery, and there was no morning rush. The word had already spread that Aoto had harbored the demon child, and they could be in danger because of that. Aoto didn't expect the word to spread so fast, and though the village wasn't as large at the moment and was in the mode of expansion, Aoto could tell that many people had come to know about this.

Though Aoto didn't personally care, he was still a bit irritated.

"Shikuro," Aoto called. In the next moment, Shikuro appeared near Aoto, seeming to materialize out of thin air.

"How is Naruto taking the lessons?" Aoto asked.

"He isn't good with books, but he is interested in magic, and that is a plus point. It is too early to say anything, so we will have to wait," Shikuro said. Aoto nodded and said.

"Go around Konoha. Find out who is deliberately spreading rumors about Naruto and report to me," Aoto said.

"Yes," Shikuro replied and then vanished on the spot. Aoto could tell that someone was deliberately spreading the rumor, but he also had a gut feeling that it wasn't Danzo.

Danzo, by now, had been taught lessons twice. Yes, Aoto knew who had hired the people from Waterfalls, as he had sent Shikuro and Corazon to infiltrate the roots and gather more information. Using the mirror dimension, they were able to keep an eye on Danzo and finally able to confirm that it was Danzo who had sent them.

In fact, Shikuro was able to take a look at the documents too and gather hard evidence that Danzo had sent people after them. In addition, others wanted to go to the Hokage and complain, but Aoto refused.

"His time will come, but not at the moment," Aoto had said. If he wanted to take care of Danzo, they needed to make it so that Danzo wouldn't have anyone to support him. A single attack wouldn't mean anything, and he could easily throw one of his boys under the bus and plead not guilty. It was better if they accumulated more evidence and thus had him exiled from the village itself.

At the moment Aoto was more excited about the next upgrade than some people keeping away from their store. Over the last 2 years, he was able to sell almost everything and the only thing was sold very slowly were the adult items. People thought of it as a bit of a taboo and stood away from it. Adamantium was the first to be sold out, thanks to sale on two locations, computers had already been sold and there was no problem with the sales of that. 

Beauty cosmetics were the next to be sold fast over time and wine too. Though the wine was a bit too heavy for the people and his wine shop was now known all over the place including outside of Konoha. Since the wine was so good, businessmen came and made deals with him so that they could go around and sell wine in a much higher price.

Aoto was happy to oblige and the only condition was that his brand name would continue. He wanted to make a name for himself around the world using business and only in this way he would have more reach, it was a political move for sure but this was all he could do. 

The rest of things came easy as they were sold slowly over the years. The solar panels took some time and it was the longest since people didn't understand and at the moment he was only waiting for the last piece to be sold. 

Edward had worked a lot on the panels and said there had been an inquiry about the panel, once it was sold, Aoto had asked to inform. And at the moment he was waiting for its sale. While also waiting what Shikuro would come up with. 

Naruto was able to settle down easily. Since Corazon and Shikuro was teaching him, he had a good time but also he was able to move around a lot. The new home was much bigger than his old one, people were nice to him and felt like a family here. Though it was just the first day, he was already enjoying his life. 

At the evening, Edward came and reported that the last solar panel along with the battery had been sold. This made Aoto very happy as the condition to upgrade his shop was again given a green light. 


The host seems to have met the conditions for upgrade. Due to various reasons, the system has noticed that the host at the moment is at a pinch because he has harbored Naruto Uzumaki at his home, thus making the people of Konoha hate him a bit. But the system also understands that the host has good intentions in his heart. So the host will receive a lottery for getting a shopkeeper with two helpers with him. 

And the host will be allowed two people from different categories of summon. The host in this upgrade can also chose what items to sell and will be at the disposal of the host on his command



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