That was unexpected

This person had a full head of dark, wavy hair that was typically kept at a moderate length. His facial features were characterized by expressive brown eyes, a prominent nose, and a strong jawline.

The wheel disappeared, and out came a man of fairly average build and average height.

"Who is this guy?" John asked, noticing that this person seemed to be of the same descent as himself, as he was quite 'white'.

"How do I know?" Aoto shrugged back.

"It was you who summoned him and you don't know?" Arya asked. Aoto just shook his head and accepted that he really didn't know.

"Umm... Excuse me... Where is this? Have I been kidnapped? My family doesn't have any money, so I don't know what you will get after kidnapping me," the man said.

"You are not kidnapped. Have you not received the memories after getting here?" Aoto asked, slowly realizing that this guy wasn't some kind of hotshot but a normal guy. The man, upon hearing Aoto's words, stiffened and just gave them a blank face for a minute.

After the awkward silence, tears slowly started dripping from his eyes. This made Aoto a bit panicked, as he didn't expect his summoning to result in tears. He stepped forward and said,

"I am sorry. I might have disrupted your previous life."

The man now started crying his eyes out. This made the people around him uncomfortable for a bit, and everyone came forward to reassure him that he was fine and everything would be alright.

It took quite a bit of time for him to calm down and compose himself enough to speak again.

"I know that your previous life has ended, but now you have a new life and probably a new career," Aoto said. The man just nodded his head, realizing he would have to accept the arrangements. He understood that it was probably some kind of God that had pulled him from his previous world and pushed him here, so he could only accept it now.

He had never believed in God before, but now he was thinking of going to church more often.

"I am sorry for all the drama. My name is Hans Florian Zimmer. I am a score composer and an aspiring music producer," the man said. Aoto stiffened instantly. No wonder he didn't recognize him.

It was because he had never seen him before in his real life, not even in pictures, but this guy was famous in his previous world, or at least in the music industry. This man had produced some of the best background music for famous movies and even won Oscars for it. His famous works included The Lion King, The Dark Knight trilogy, Interstellar, Man of Steel, and many other movies.

But he looked quite young here.

"Excuse me? What is your best music score up till now?"

"Best music score? Right now, I am composing background music for an animated movie named The Lion King, and I am quite excited about it. I think it will be the best, but it's all gone now," Hans said. This made everyone sad, but Aoto was surprised. The system could even control time?! Damn!

Aoto didn't mention that he was from this man's world, but he was excited now that he got this clue. It meant there was still a connection with the world he came from.

"System, do you still have a connection with my previous world?"


Yes host.


"Then can I ever return to the previous world?" Aoto asked. 


That will depend on how the host performs, in fact if he could be a god level talent and be a god with magic, the host can travel himself


"Yes, you are right." Aoto thought. The magic was based on multiverse so of course he might be able to travel to his world one day. This made him fill with hope and maybe one day he would see his world. He wouldn't interfere of course, but he would love to take glimpse of the world. 

Hans was sent here to make the music industry bloom, which was almost non existent here. With him here there was hope for this world. At least he would be able to listen to music. Hans meanwhile spoke of his music and he was devastated when he got to know that this new place didn't have a proper music concerts or even good songs and music to boot.

He was almost in the verge of tears again, until Aoto said. 

"Since there is no good music or songs here, why don't you start the process and I am sure there would be people in this world who would love you and take you as an inspiration." Aoto said. 

This made Hans' glimmer with hope and ideas. Aoto was right, if there was no good music than he could just introduce one. He was imagining all of this while Aoto was thinking that he would blast off a good background music if he was ever involved in a fight. 

Fighting while listening to a good background song or music. Now that would be royalty. He would definitely try in the arena matches from here on.

"Now that many of you are here, I will send you out of this place and can enter through the village officially. There shouldn't be any problems while finding your way to our home. This world is dangerous and thus keep an eye. Only retaliate when absolutely necessary." Aoto said. 

Everyone nodded their heads. While Yoriichi just meowed. 

"Yoriichi-san can stay with us and doesn't need to go out." Aoto said seeing the black cat who was licking her paws. 

"Yes yes.. We will be here soon." Urahara said and stood next to Hans. Hans was a normal guy but with the help of the system he would be able to see the shinigami as the system has notified at the end. 

It was already late at night when he had summoned them so it would be early morning when they would arrive at Konoha. Today's night sleep was out of the window again.


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