One big and happy family

Naruto woke up with a heavy sensation on his chest. At first, he thought it was the long pillow he had brought with him to help him sleep. In his slumber, that was the first logical explanation, but soon it became too much, and he woke up with a start.

A pair of cat eyes were now fixed on him, blinking once in a while. Naruto saw a pitch-black cat looking at him. Naruto almost flipped out in fear, but then he realized it was just a cute cat.

Naruto slowly picked the cat up in his arms and set her down gently at his side. Doing this helped him return to normal breathing. He had never seen such the cat before, so he was a bit puzzled. But the cute cat made him forget everything and he reached out to pet it.

The black cat didn't seem to mind Naruto touching her and let him do as he pleased. Meanwhile, as he petted her, he felt a slight pain in his stomach for a few seconds before it vanished.

The pain was only momentary, and Naruto didn't pay it much attention, but the cat's eyes turned toward Naruto's stomach before she enjoyed the whole petting.

"Such a good kitty..." Naruto was very happy to pet such a good and calm cat.

"Ah, I see you've met Yoriichi-san," Aoto appeared at the doorway and said.

"Ah, Aoto-san. Good morning," Naruto said.

"Good morning. This is Yoriichi-san, and she will stay with us," Aoto said.

"Huh? San?" Naruto was confused, as he had never heard of anyone showing such respect and honor to a cat with "-san" before. This was the first time.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Aoto asked.

"No... No... Yoriichi-san... I am Naruto Uzumaki. I hope we can be good roommates," Naruto said. He could tell that Aoto was serious, so he used his best possible way to show his willingness to please them.

"Naruto, it's your home. You don't need to be so formal with me or anything. We are family now, and we won't leave you or anything. Just don't betray our trust and be truthful. Is that fine?" Aoto asked. Naruto was a bit moved by the words and nodded his head.

"I promise I will be a good boy." Naruto was happy that Aoto was being considerate.

"You will make a fine shinobi and sorcerer. There will be new people coming soon who might stay with us for a few days," Aoto said.

"Oh! Then I should get ready and host them," Naruto said as he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to get himself ready.

"What's the deal with this kid?" the black cat spoke for the first time.

"Ah. You finally spoke... Well, he has a beast sealed inside of him. Imagine a Hyogoku being alive and sealed inside of him. Though it might not be as ridiculous as the Hyogoku, that beast is very powerful," Aoto said.

"Why is a beast sealed inside a kid?" Yoriichi was confused of what kind of thought process one had to do such a ridiculous thing. 

"There wasn't any other option at the moment, his parents were in their last breaths and before death they needed to transfer away. His mother was the last person who had the beast sealed inside her and now her son is carrying the mantle." Aoto said. 

Yoriichi didn't speak more and just continued looking at the doorway where Naruto had gone. Meanwhile, Corazon and Shikuro went together to welcome the new people coming on their way. 4 new guys would be coming so both of them were excited. 

After waiting at the main gate, the four finally showed up in the horizon. Aoto had asked Unohana to wear a normal dress instead of her haori so that she didn't raise any eyebrows here. Urahara was in his usual happy-go-lucky attire and soon showed up in the gate. Only Zimmer was a bit shaken up and was looking around like some of kind of scaredy cat. 

"Welcome to Konoha." Shikuro said after being checked by the gate guards. 

"I hope Konoha will be quite hospitable for all of you." Shikuro said. 

They made small talks while they had their curiosity and questions both answered. Zimmer was a bit downtrodden as he understood that this place wasn't modern at all and he would need to start from the scratch. Though it terrified him but also made him excited. 

Meanwhile Aoto was making food for the new guests that was about to arrive and they arrived quite fast. Naruto was a bit excited as he was going to see new people. Aoto seeing the enthusiasm laughed on the inside. 

"It was good to be young. Now the current me, don't like to meet anyone. So anti-social." 

After arriving, everyone introduced with each other. Like Yoriichi, Unohana, Tessai and Urahara both did a double take when they took a close look at Naruto and just like last time, Naruto felt his abdomen churn a bit for no apparent reason. 

Just like last time, he didn't pay any attention and continued to speak like the talkative guy in the group. Torune had joined by then so he too was a happy to see many people around and giving them attention. 

He too loved the cat. After having a normal conversation for an hour or so and laying out most of the things of the world around, it was time to go to the library. And just like others, the new people were petrified seeing the huge library. They got to know of the thing called chakra and the new form of power called magic. 

The more they listened about magic the more they were surprised and also horrified, of course the horrifying things were only spoken to the adults and not the children who were now busy again with Corazon and was teaching them diligently. 

As usual they came across Chomei who got to meet new people. Unlike Naruto, none of the shinigami felt the power of tailed beast from her and thus everyone got together well.