Why do we care ?

"I... I don't know. I'm not as skilled as the others, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong," Naruto confessed, punctuating his sentences with 'dattebayo'. Aoto had been trying to break him of that habit, but it seemed some things were hard to change.

"So, are you feeling frustrated because you're struggling in practical or theoretical aspects?" Aoto inquired calmly.

"I've been taught the most basic ninjutsu, but I can't seem to do anything. I'm the last one to catch on, and I still can't get it," Naruto lamented.

"But I heard from Shikuro that you and Torune are picking up the other techniques quite well," Aoto pointed out. This lit up Naruto's eyes, and he eagerly shared that he was on the verge of summoning Tao mandalas.

Aoto knew why Naruto was struggling with ninjutsu. The interference of the Kyubi chakra was a significant factor. There was only one person who could fix this issue, and that was Jiraiya. He hadn't been around for a while, but when he next showed up, Aoto resolved to ask him to adjust the seal to allow Naruto better use of ninjutsu.

Of course, there was another option: speaking with the Nine-Tails. However, that conversation would likely be futile, given the creature's deep-seated animosity toward humans. So, for the time being, Jiraiya was the safer bet.

"Naruto, don't stress too much about your progress. Hard work always pays off. Keep at it. I'm confident that one day you'll be an exceptional shinobi," Aoto reassured.

"Aoto-san, I don't just want to be a great shinobi, but also a great sorcerer," Naruto revealed. This took Aoto by surprise. When Naruto first arrived, his ambition was to become Hokage. Now, he had added a new aspiration.

"Hahaha... Becoming a great sorcerer won't be an easy feat," Aoto commented.

"I know, but I won't give up on my dreams. I want to be a Hokage who's also a sorcerer and a formidable shinobi. That way, I can protect the village with all my might," Naruto declared. In response, Aoto couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of pride that Naruto was so resolute in his goals.

They continued their conversation, with Aoto offering encouragement for Naruto to persevere, assuring him that even if he didn't progress as quickly as others, success would come in time. As they spoke, Teuchi, who had been busy in the background, chimed in.

"Aoto, we're expecting some visitors from the Hidden Cloud village in a few days. They're interested in establishing business relations with us."

"Huh? What?" Aoto's attention snapped to Teuchi.

"Yes. Didn't you hear? The Hidden Cloud village wants to foster strong ties with Konoha, so some representatives will be arriving soon to discuss matters with the Hokage," Teuchi confirmed.

"Really?" Aoto's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He understood what this meant for the future and how he could leverage it to his advantage.

"Yeah, you didn't hear about that?" Teuchi smiled and asked. 

"No. When are they coming?" Aoto asked as his voice was slowly getting somber. 

"Maybe in four or five weeks. Konoha will be getting ready to welcome them in a month or so. You should talk with them." Teuchi said. 

"I will think about it." Aoto said. After eating ramen, Aoto and Naruto were ready to get back home when snow started falling slowly. 

"Naruto, do you have all the warm clothes?" Aoto asked. 

"Yes. Don't worry Aoto-san, I have all." Naruto assured. 

"Let's go shopping today." Aoto said.

"Really? Hurray!!" Naruto was very happy to know that they go for shopping and thus they went on a small shopping spree. Both Naruto and Aoto bought some warm clothes and Naruto even bought a small blue scarf for Yoriichi to which Aoto laughed. 

But as they roamed around Aoto did hear the whisper of Kumogakure Head ninja coming to their village for the peace treaty. Actually, Aoto was a bit taken aback by this. The treaty was supposed to happen much earlier because Aoto remembered that the Kumogakure came when Hinata was much younger and tried to kidnap her. But now, it was pushed back. Probably due to his butterfly effect. 

"Aoto-san, do you wish to do business with the Kumogakure?" Naruto asked as they were going back home. This surprised Aoto. 

"No. Why do you say that?" Aoto asked. 

"You are distracted the whole time we were shopping." Naruto said. This surprised Aoto and he realized that Naruto was more attentive than he thought. 

"I am just thinking of some other thing. I am not thinking of them." Aoto said and that was the truth. He wasn't really thinking of them, but was thinking of the death of Neji's father if it was going to happen or not. 

If the things happened like the original, then it was time for them to interfere. They weren't as weak as they were once. They had 4 Captain class shinigamis which were enough to keep things in control. Though, they might not have the numbers like the Hyuga family, but they were powerful to a huge extent. 

It seems they would have to make preparations for whatever that was coming. 

Soon they returned back home and Aoto called for a meeting for everyone in the library. 

"I heard Kumogakure is coming for the treaty." Aoto asked as everyone sat in the library. Naruto and Torune had already slept so they were the only ones in the library and of course Chomei was also there but she was just a watcher of sorts and not really interested in the dealings of humans. 

She had gotten overly attached with magic and would spend more time in learning about them. 

"Yes. But I thought it didn't matter since we have already decided with the Hidden Stone Village?" Kisuke said. 

"No. I don't want any treaty with them at the moment, but they are coming at the same time as the birthday of the chief of Hyuga clan." Aoto said. 

"Is it important?" Shikuro asked as he was confused about the connection between the birthday of the Hyuga chief and Kumogakure.

"They might try to kidnap someone from the Hyuga clan and steal their byakugan." 


Read 42 more chapters on my p@treon.com/thelightedghost