Chibi live versions

This caused to raise a huge discussion between everyone where Shikuro spoke of the fact that many villages had tried to get their hands on byakugan and even sharingan. Sharingan was almost not possible for anyone to use because it was hard to replicate and use the sharingan. The only person who could successfully do so was Kakashi and he was a genius to begin with.

But byakugan had immediate profits and thus many villages had tried. In fact, Hidden Mist village was able to use one and had a ninja that could use the byakugan. It was a long discussion but Aoto was silent the whole time. But at the end, it was Unohana who spoke the words of logic. 

"I understand all of this but my question is. Why do we care?" 

This shut everyone up and people who were a but emotional. Unohana was right. Why should they care? It was the problem of Hyuga and they shouldn't mess around with them. Konoha would take care of it. 

"Normally we shouldn't have cared. But the thing is we need help from Hyuga family too. If we help them here, we can get their good faith. And in addition, it is time that they abolish their harsh tradition."

"Are you crazy? You said that you want to have good faith with them and then you want to wreck them? They will never accept your proposal and will attack you for sure." Shikuro said. 

"What harsh tradition are we talking about?" Unohana asked and then Aoto proceeded to tell her about the mark that the other clan members have on their heads which allowed the higher members of the clan to control the others. 

It was done so that if a Hyuga member died, the ones who control the curse mark would make their eyes useless and thus never letting the enemies get their hands on the byakugan. This was a good way to not let the enemies get their hands on a powerful weapon but it was also a cruel way to control the other clan members. 

"But why are we doing this? If we do this, we will expose our abilities more." Kisuke said. 

"We will but it's time that Konoha knows of our presence. Don't you think so." Aoto said. 

"You really want to do this?" John asked. He had been silent the whole time as he didn't know what to say. For people like the Hyuga clan members, who had been oppressed, he did have a soft spot because he had seen the discrimination that the people from beyond the wall had to face when they were on the other side and even died for them once. 

"I'm not sure. It will depend on many factors. I'm just speculating at the moment that they might go for the Byakugan. If they don't, that's fine, and Konoha will be able to defend themselves. But I don't want the aftermath of some kind due to this incident, and we might be able to convince them otherwise later," Aoto said.

"So basically, it's all up to fate?" Arya asked. Aoto nodded.

"I'm still against interfering in the whole scenario. Their problem isn't related to us, and though we are powerful, we don't need to show the world," Unohana said. In fact, her words made total sense. Except for the Uchiha problem, they didn't need to interfere.

But Aoto wanted to help Neji and Hinata have a better childhood. Maybe Aoto was being selfish here, but he wanted to do this of his own accord. He had been lying dormant for quite some time now, and now it was time to wake up a bit.

A few days had gone by after the discussion, and one afternoon Naruto went out alone to roam through the village in the snow. Aoto had given him warm clothes, and he was very happy. He had been studying diligently and working hard, so Shikuro had advised him to take some days off.

As he was wandering around, watching the beautiful snow displace under his steps, he heard some noise. A noise that he seemed to have heard somewhere before. As he approached and saw the situation, he understood why he felt like that.

It was because the noise was created by three of his classmates, and they were busy harassing a small girl with white eyes.

"I heard that she is from the Byakugan family. She doesn't look like much."

"I tell you, she belongs to the family of the demons."

"She is definitely a demon."

The more they spoke, the angrier Naruto became. He had seen that girl before, and though he didn't remember the name, he did recognize her.

"Hey, get away from her," Naruto shouted. The three children, upon hearing the shout, turned around and saw Naruto standing there, looking at them with anger.

"Hahaha.. Look.. There's another demon kid.." one of them said.

"Hahahaha.. How can he be a demon? He is at best a rat," the other one said.

"The teacher told us he is the worst and he can never be a ninja."

Naruto felt his blood boil, but he kept his cool and said.

"How do you guys feel so superior after ganging up on a single girl? In my eyes, you are the demons," Naruto shouted.


"How dare he call us demons."

"Beat him up."

Naruto performed a single hand sign and uttered.

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)


Two very small versions of Naruto appeared, each about the height of ankles. The other three thought that Naruto had finally learned some ninjutsu. Seeing the chibi Naruto, they looked at him for a second to understand if he was serious or not and then burst out laughing.

They didn't waste any more time and jumped on him to beat him up. While they started beating him, if one paid attention, they would see that a black cat was observing all of this while sitting leisurely, with almost no emotions in its eyes.


Read 41 more chapters on my p@treon.ocm/thelightedghost