War is not in the horizon

The conversation that Aoto had, was of course not heard by Guy and he was oblivious. But he didn't hide everything from Guy. He might be a but slow but he wasn't an idiot. Someone who could make Madara acknowledge him was never an idiot. At best, Aoto thought of Guy as someone like Luffy. May not be the same ideals and goals but definitely someone who had the same memory capacity. 

Aot roughly told hm what kind of organization that person had represented.

"Why didn't we go after them and take them down, I believe our youth was strong enough to take them down." Guy said. 

"Guy-san, they are very powerful and we aren't powerful enough to handle them." 

"Why do you say that? We are quite powerful and I can take them down single handedly." Guy said. 

"We can but you will die at the end." Aoto said. "And opening all the inner gates too wouldn't do us any good." Those words made Guy stiffen. He didn't expect that Aoto knew about his technique, and even after then, he didn't have full faith on him which meant that the organisation might be really powerful. 

"Guy-san, you can go and tell Hokage about it and I think they already know of this organization and soon they will take proper steps to ensure that the organisation would be brought down easily." Aoto continued. Guy nodded his head and they continued on. 


Hidden Rain village

The highest tower. 

"Nagato... Have we incorporated another one in the organization?" Konan asked as he looked at the man who was being struck with chakra rods inserted inside his back. He was worn out and skinny. 

"Yes. Hidan.. He is kind of an immortal but he isn't the main problem now. That Aoto Yamazaki is." Nagato said. 

"What about him? Over the years we have maintained quite the business and it has helped the village a lot." Konan, who was standing beside him, said. 

"No. He knows about us." Nagato said. 

"So? He doesn't know that we are them. He only knows that we are Sand shinobi." Konan was not concerned at all. 

"No. He knows more about us than he ever says. He knows the immortality and the techniques of Hidan and Kakuzu. One among them was even able to stab and kill one of the hearts of Kakuzu. And the others were able to take down Hidan like he was just another shinobi." Nagato said. This made Kona's eyes wide. 

"That's impossible. They are both special level jonins and in no way Aoto would be able to take them down." Konan said, not believing at all. 

"And that is why I am saying that Aoto Yamazaki is more than he is showing. Kakuzu is very sure that Aoto has some kind of organization under him which is very powerful and said that one among them is particularly very powerful. He is an old guy so I trust his judgement." Nagato said. This made Konan silent and tried going through all that happened with Aoto all these years. 

After their first meet, she had tried buttering him up and even asked him to shift to Sand to establish a better business but he never budged. And the most weird thing was that even after clear evidences that the products were transported to other route instead of Sunagakure, he turned a blind eye. 

At that time she felt it weird but now it made sense. He had always known about her and even approached her. But why? Why was he ready to trade with them if he knew about them. 

"Then why is he doing what he is doing?" 

"Maybe he is business minded and only we can give him what he needs." Nagato had a long pause before answering. 

"Then we should take him down." Konan proposed. 

"No. If what Kakuzu said was correct, we might lose a big part of us if we go to war against his oragnsation." Nagato said. 

"But he can be a potential danger to our plans." Konan replied. 

"It might be but we need them as much he needs us because of the business we have. So it's better to maintain the status quo until we think otherwise." Nagato said. Konan felt helpless but there was nothing to be done.


After a couple of days, Aoto's teams finally enter the Land of Earth and following the signs they finally reached the famous Iwagakure. Konoha had already sent hawks mentioning their arrival so when they came near to Iwagakure, they weren't stopped and only checked once. 

Nestled deep within the formidable mountains, Iwagakure was a village that bore the very essence of its name. Towering cliffs, rugged crevices, and ancient boulders formed the natural fortress that cradled this hidden realm. It was a place where the earth itself seemed to breathe, where stone and soil intertwined in a testament to the resilience of the land.

The team was checked once again by the guards at the gate and from the looks of it, they didn't like that someone from Konoha had shown up after the war. But since this was an order from top level they had to follow it. 

The village's architecture mirrored the strength of its surroundings. Buildings hewn from massive stones blended seamlessly with the natural formations, creating a harmonious union between human craftsmanship and the raw, unyielding power of the mountains. Narrow alleyways wound their way through the village, carved into the very bedrock, leading to hidden courtyards and secret passages.

Silent sentinels of stone stood guard at every corner, their watchful eyes eternally fixed upon the horizon. They bore silent witness to the comings and goings of the villagers, their weathered faces reflecting the passage of countless seasons. Moss and lichen clung to the ancient stones, whispering tales of time gone by.

"The place is really well built and has a natural cover." Kisuke commented. 

"Yeah but of course our Konoha is better." Guy said. Aoto looked around and felt like the village was a bit backward compared to Konoha, probably because he had been modernizing Konoha bit by bit. 


Read 45 more chapters on my p@treonn.com/thelightedghost