You need to open up

Unlike the Land of Iron, they were taken to the main office immediately after they reached. And Aoto and his team met with the old short man. In all of the present kage's, Aoto was a great fan of his particle dismantling jutsu, or the dust release.

One of the most powerful jutsus Aoto had ever seen wielded by someone that could actually threaten many powerful people. 

"Welcome to Iwagakure. What can we do for you?" Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage, said as he sat in his chair and looked at them with the most kindest face there ever was. And behind stood quite an young man. A man with a long yellow hair like Naruto but more straight that Naruto's, so much so that it actually hid one of his eyes. 

Aoto must have been looking at the young man for more than a few seconds, because Onoki noticed Aoto and said. 

"Ah.. This is Deidara.. He is the youngest Captain of our Explosive corps as you might have heard. And also he is my student." Aoto was speechless for a minute before nodding while Deidara had pride and smirk on his face as Onoki introduced him. 

The only thing Aoto could think of at this moment was 'Pride hath its fall'. Aoto didn't talk on this and immediately handed the papers that Hokage had asked him to serve Tsuchikage. Onoki saw the seal of Hokage and proceeded to read it. 

It was an awkward one minute of silence with shinobis and Aoto's team looking at each other as if they were expecting the team to pull some shit up. But nothing like that happened and after the silence Onoki said. 

"The Hokage of yours is quite the man." Onoki said. Aoto hadn't read the papers so he didn't know and just had a blank face. 

"Guessing you haven't read them since the seal is unbroken. Seems like Hokage has quite the trust on you and you didn't even open the letter." Onoki said. Aoto just shrugged his shoulder and just smiled. He knew that Onoki wanted to say more and so he did. 

"After the previous war and the bridge being broken, the hokage has forwarded the proposal for building a new bridge, away from the broken one, in order to facilitate business between the villages. The bridge would be jointly maintained on both sides of the river. Our side maintained by the Iwagakure shinobi and the other side by Konoha shinobi. If any altercation occurs, we will try to mediate as there will be equal number of witnesses in both sides and until the altercations stops the business wouldn't be followed..." Onoki went on to a ramble about many conditions but what Aoto understood was that 'there would be new bridge being made and there will be security.' 

Aoto nodded to an understanding. 

"You must have come a long way and you need rest. Why don't you stay here for the night and tomorrow we can discuss the business deals." Onoki said and Aoto happily obliged. He was tired to be honest and needed rest. 

They went straight to an hotel and everyone took up their rooms after paying them. Later Kisuke showed up on his room and entered. 

"What do you think?" Aoto asked as he was pretty sure that Kisuke was here to talk something serious. Before talking, he uttered a spell and it immediately made the room sound proof. Aoto was taken aback. 

"They are listening to us?" 

"What do you think?" Aoto asked again as he remembered he was in enemy territory. He was a non-combatant so at times he forgets.

"Ah. What more can I expect from enemies." Aoto shrugged. 

"That old short man is more venomous than a snake from what I can feel." Kisuke said. 

"We will get to meet the real snake soon." Aoto said. Kisuke just smiled and then continued. 

"He doesn't trust a single bit and probably making arrangements to infiltrate us and make us their pawns." Kisuke said to which both Aoto and Kisuke laughed because doing that was impossible. 

"Let them try. I just want to sell things and make my living but politics will get to me anyways." Aoto sighed but at the end he didn't care. He won't let them infiltrate his place anyways and Aoto proceeded to talk about the business they would try to establish here. After about half an hour Kisuke left and Aoto had a shower. 


Host, there has been a new revelation. Do you wish to know?


"Revelation? What revelations?" 


The person named Onoki is of supreme talent of magic


Aoto, who was chewing on grapes stopped chewing and had his eyes wide open because he couldn't believe what he was hearing. 

"You check magical talents of people around me?" 


This function had always been active and it's the host's fault that he didn't ask 


"Fuck!" Aoto cursed under his breath. "So has there been any one with master talent around me." 


Yes, Sasuke Uchiha, Lyanna Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha.


"Ayy more fuck!" Aoto cursed again. "So why telling me now?" 


It's because the host has never come across anyone who has supreme level talent


"But this guy is old. What can he do with the supreme level talent.. " Aoto didn't speak more because he knew how stupid he sounded. There are so many ways for sorcerers to have a long life. The Ancient One followed quite the weird path for sure, but that was not a single path. 

Mastering Celestial magic would ensure long life and that was just one of the ways.

"What can I do even if I know this? He can never be a member of our fraternity." Aoto said but then he again stopped himself because the 4th great ninja war would open an avenue for the old man to open his heart. Aoto slowly started thinking of how he could manipulate this man to be his employee. 

Because if he did make him one of them, a Kage + supreme level talent. Madara might have to take him seriously if he learns magic fast. Aoto now was putting his brain in overdrive mode and thinking of how to lure him to his trap and make him fall. 


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