Chapter 6

Somok Giza didn't consider himself to be evil. He considered himself a businessman.

Burning a village and selling its inhabitants into slavery, just business. Attacking a passenger cruiser and venting its crew into space to steal its cargo, just business.

He didn't care about how these events impacted other people, just that it got him rich.

Sitting in his chair in the command room Giza was thinking about the wealth his current cargo might bring him after he sold it on Tatooine, when a series of explosions rocked his ship and sent him falling to the floor.

Alarms started blaring throughout the ship and the command centre was plunged into panic. Suddenly a wall panel exploded from an electrical overload sending an unlucky pirate screaming across the room as all power seemed to go out on the ship.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!" Giza yelled while struggling to his feet.

"we've been hit, the drive systems are destroyed, and main power seems to be down too. Backup power is working but it has put most of the ships systems offline." A nervous pirate spoke from somewhere to Giza's left.

A metallic clang reverberated trough the ship, a sound all the pirates knew well but were unaccustomed to being on the receiving end of.

"We are being boarded" Giza snarled, "You, deal with it." He demanded pointing at one of the pirates.

"But comms are down I can't reach anyone" the pirate questioned nervously.

"Then take some men and solve it yourself, fool." Giza roared back as the pirate quickly scurried off with some others following him.


Fifteen pirates were arranged in defensive positions outside the ship's main airlock. The defence was organised by the pirate Giza was yelling at earlier who was confident they could repel any attack that came through the airlock doors.

His confidence was destroyed however when the airlock doors exploded towards him, one door ripping through two of the pirates stood by a corridor wall, the second hitting him square in the face and dragging what was left of his broken body down the long corridor until all that was left was a red smear leading to a twisted piece of metal.

The remaining twelve pirates were so shocked by the sudden explosion that they failed to notice several grenades following the exploding door into the hallway. The first couple of grenades exploded in light and noise blinding pirates and destroying eardrums in the tight confines of the corridor, the next grenade started spewing out white smoke obscuring what was happening.

Twelve blaster bolts light up the cloud of smoke silencing the pirates' cries of pain and confusion. By the time the smoke had cleared fourteen pirates lay dead just outside the airlock with a blood trail leading further into the ship where the fifteenth pirate lay splattered under a door.


Earl was walking down a dark corridor lit only by faint red emergency lights wondering just how many pesky organics were on this ship.

After dealing with the hoodlums by the airlock the assassin droids had gone their separate ways to complete their individual missions.

Earl felt like sighing when, yet another pirate popped up from round a corner only to be cut down by a blaster bolt courtesy of Earls blaster rifle.

Seriously if there were so many of these organics crawling all over this ship, they could at least make it challenging for him instead of coming one at a time.

Observing a sign marked crew quarters Earl trudged onwards wondering if he would find more of a challenge there, but he doubted it.


Crow was miserable. Crow was always miserable, but he was currently taking it to new heights.

He was finally in a fight again, yet here he was alone in a destroyed engine room full of already dead organics.

It was just his luck that the area of the ship he had to search was the area where all the pirates had already been killed by the initial strike where Sapphire destroyed the ships drives.

Crow knew that the galaxy was out to get him, and this was just the latest proof, a ship full of enemy organics and he had only got to kill a couple when they first breached the ship. It was just too unfair.

If Droids could cry, he felt like a steady stream would be flowing out of his optical sensers right now as he sulkily moved further into the enemy ship.


Somok Giza was starting to panic. He had now sent three teams to deal with the intruders and the sounds of fighting had only grown closer to his command room.

If Giza had a conscience he might have been thinking 'is this how all those innocent people felt on the ships I attacked felt, terrified and powerless.' Instead, he was thinking about how he could get out of here alive preferably with as much of his wealth as possible.

Giza's pondering time was cut short when two assassin droids burst into the command room in a flurry of speed and violence.

Giza saw his crew being slaughtered and was split between drawing his blaster and making a run for it. His indecision meant he couldn't do either as he fell to the floor screaming as a blaster bolt tore through his left knee and then a second pierced through his right shoulder.

After the shooting stopped, he was hauled roughly to his knees by one of the droids, the second droids walked over and looked down menacingly at him.


Alpha watched the struggling pirate captain in Spark's firm grasp, he could feel disdain swelling in his circuits, this organic was a disgrace.

After all the sins it had committed, all the pain it had caused when confronted with its own mortality it was blubbering like a coward.

"Give me the command codes for controlling this ship," Alpha ordered the frightened pirate.

"Okay, just please don't hurt me." The pirate cried.

Alpha checked the codes he received on a terminal in the command centre then nodded in satisfaction when they worked how they were supposed to.

"you'll let me go now, right?" the pirate asked hopefully.

"Unfortunately, your continued runtime is no longer required." Alpha answered as he gestured to Spark who drew a blaster pistol and shot the pirate in the back of the head and let his body slump to the ground.

"Damn boss that was ice cold." Spark laughed to Alpha who just shrugged and moved on.