Chapter 41

"Do you know who I am" Alpha translated Gardulla's words as Renn didn't speak Hutt.

"Well, I just said your name, so yeah" Renn answered while fiddling with the settings on his blaster pistol not paying much attention to the indignant Hutt.

"I'm Gardulla the Hutt" The slug woman exclaimed as if it would magically fix her problems.

"Yeah, I Know. We," Renn gestured to his group, "Are here," he pointed at the throne room, "To kill you," he pointed at Gardulla. He said everything slowly and used hand gestures in case the slug still had difficulties grasping the concept he was conveying.

"You- You can't kill me." Gardulla said in shock.

"Why not?" Renn asked, genuinely confused by the woman being unable to understand just how short the rest of her life was doing to be.

"I'm a Hutt. You kill me the entire syndicate will be after you." She said smugly, her confidence returning the more time she had to think. The Hutts would help her, they wouldn't just leave her. That fool Jabba was probably already on his way, she may have to give him some territory, but she would recover. Eventually.

"Actually, they won't. The Rest of the Hutts are fed up with all your failings. You're making the rest of them look bad Gardulla." Jango said as he spun one of his blaster pistols around his hand before holstering it. "Jabba even sent me here to deal with you."

"There you see, 'deal' not 'kill'. Jabba wouldn't want you to kill me." Gardulla felt her panic return and began to try to think of any excuse to cling to life.

"He wasn't specific actually. Plus, I don't really care, I get paid either way." Jango just shrugged and went back to watching the show.

"Excellent. Well now that's sorted let's get on with this." Renn said clapping his hands together.

"Why are you doing this?" Gardulla asked in fear, the threat of death tearing her world apart.

"I said already keep up." Renn said slightly annoyed. "You caused my friend Seela a lot of pain. You tried to have her killed. You tried to have me, and my other friends killed when we helped her. All that and you're just a fairly disgusting person so I'm going to kill you."

"Seela? I don't know who you're talking about." Gardulla asked trying to buy time hoping something would happen to save her.

"You sent your thugs to capture her both here and on Coruscant. You've been hunting her after she escaped being your slave." Renn said his voice cold with anger.

"What? You mean this has all been about some pathetic slav—" Gardulla was cut of mid-sentence when Renn shot her in the tail. She screamed in pain as the blaster bolt cut through her flesh.

"Y-you won't get away with this" Gardulla whimpered in pain.

Renn levelled his blaster pistol with the slug woman's head and prepared to finish her off but before he could fire the wall behind Gardulla exploded and a large reptilian head entered the room.

Everyone looked in surprise as Gardulla's gigantic pet Krayt dragon roared at them. Gardulla screamed as the Krayt dragon bit down on her and began chewing her between its giant teeth. Eating her alive like it had done to the countless slaves she had fed to it.

"I think we better start running away now." Renn said backing up slowly.

"Yep"" Agreed" Jango and Alpha said at the same time and though they couldn't understand the words the two tusken raiders let out their own shouts of agreement.

The five of them then turned and sprinted out of the room. A massive reptile, intent on following its new prey, chasing them.


"It's getting closer".

"Run faster".

"Stop talking. Just run".

Crow and Spark were listening in confusion to the panicked voices coming over the comm and watching as parts of the palace seemed to be collapsing.

They had killed all the beasts threatening the slaves and had just 'volunteered' Earl to go and try and calm the slaves down while they kept watch for any other threats when they had begun hearing panicked shouts over the comm.

"Think something's chasing them?" Spark asked Crow.

"Obviously" Crow answered.

"Should we help?" Spark asked.

"How? We don't even know where they are" Crow said, though he wasn't showing it the panicked shouts were worrying him.

Five figures then ran into the large courtyard where the slave pens were located. Even from a distance Crow and Spark could identify the figures of Renn, Alpha and the two tusken raiders, they also seemed to have picked up a man in silver armour. They couldn't however tell what the group was running from though.

"Well, there they are." Spark commented as he watched the group run towards them. "HEY, WHAT ARE YOU RUNNING FROM!" he then yelled with a hand cupped in front of his face plate.

"You know we have comms, right? You don't need to yell." Crow remarked dryly.

"Yeah, I know" Spark said happily, and Crow tried to resist the urge to hit him.

The building behind the running group then erupted in a shower of masonry as a huge Krayt dragon reared its head and roared to the sky.

"Oh. That's not good" Spark said quietly, and Crow just nodded before raising his blaster rifle to open fire.


Explosions and blaster fire ripped into the Krayt dragon from all directions.

The four tusken raiders following Clank had re-joined the two who had followed Renn and now all six were firing their weapons frantically at the huge monster from the far side of the large courtyard. Clank himself was currently speeding around the courtyard firing heavy streams of blaster fire and launching high explosives towards the beast, all while chanting his insane views on fighting.

Scythe had also re-joined the others, so the four Hk-50 droids were now scattered across the courtyard and were firing on the krayt dragon from multiple directions, confusing the beast as it didn't know which way to turn.

Jango Fett had ignited his jetpack and was currently flying about evasively. Firing his blaster pistols at the creature's eyes and burning it with the flamethrower built into his wrist.

Alpha was stood next to Renn rapidly firing at the Krayt dragon but keeping a watchful eye on the situation. He was prepared to grab Renn and start running again if things got too dangerous.

Renn himself was firing his blaster pistol at the creature and hoping to think of some way to kill before it rampaged into the slave pens behind them.

The Krayt dragon swung its huge head towards Scythe with the intent to crush him. Scythe dived out of the way at the last moment, rolling to safety before spinning and hurling a thermal detonator at the krayt dragon.

The krayt dragon's head smashed through a small building at the side of the courtyard and became partially buried after the building collapsed on it. The thermal detonator Scythe threw landed in the collapsed building next to beast's trapped head and exploded. The pile of masonry turned into a maelstrom of fire and flying debris, burning, and lacerating the Krayt dragons exposed head.

The beast screeched in pain as it reared back on its hind legs in pain. The thick scales on its head were now stained red by its own blood, that poured from numerous cuts. But still the monster fought on.

Everyone moved in sync, if someone became trapped by the beast the others would distract and lure it away so that they could escape. The large courtyard became filled with scorch marks from errant blaster bolts, craters from explosions, rubble from destroyed walls and buildings, and pools of blood from the wounded Krayt dragon.

"You got a plan here kid" Jango shouted sucking in great lung fulls of air between each word.

"Working on it." Renn yelled back also panting heavily.

They had been fighting for quite a while now and it was taking a toll on them. The droids were okay but Renn, Jango and the tusken raiders were all starting to get exhausted. The rate of fire from the tusken raiders had already slowed and become less accurate as they succumbed to their fatigue.

Renn was holding on because he was less involved in the fight than the others and Jango was still fighting well thanks to his superior training and conditioning. While the droids didn't need things biologics needed, like air and rest, the chaotic conditions in the courtyard meant it would only be a matter of time before something when wrong.

"Kid I hate to rush you but I'm running out of ammo" Jango called out as his jetpack spluttered out sending him falling back to the ground.

"Hold on its almost –" The ear-splitting sound of the sub light drives of a defender class light corvette travelling low over the battlefield interrupted Renn as he turned to look at the sky where The Speedy Vagabond had just appeared.

"Here" Renn finished with a grin as the corvettes heavy blaster turrets unfolded from the ship's underbelly.