ch 7

Right after the phone hangs up.

Natsuki: *punches Monika in the gut*

Monika: Ow! What was that for!?

Natsuki: We all know you put the knife there.

Yuri: That knife looked familiar…

Natsuki: What do you mean?

Yuri: I need a closer look to confirm, but I think it was my butterfly knife…

Monika: *looks smug*

MC: *bursting in* We're back!

Sayori: Why do you look so smug Monika?

Yuri: May I have a closer look at the knife Sayori had?

MC: Ummmm sure?

Yuri: *looking confused* I thought MM deleted all my knives…

MM: I did. Where did this come from?

Monika: *slips out*

MC: Isn't that the knife from the og game?

Natsuki: Monika are you trying to frame Yuri?

Natsuki: Monika?


MC: Wait was that…?

MM: When I look at Monika's POV it's all black… oh-ooh no…

Sayori: We need to find her!

MC: Yeah! Come on let's go!

MM: I'll go with MC.

Yuri: I believe we should split up and look for her.

Natsuki: I'll get us all in a group call so we can stay in contact.

MC: Ok Natsuki you get that going, me Yuri and Sayori should start looking for Monika.

Natsuki: Ok.

MC: Come on.

MC: Where do you think she is MM?

MM: *to MC* That scream sounded close, you should start on this floor.

MC: Ok.

*phone starts ringing*

MC: *answers* Hey, everyone there?

N: I hear a response from everyone and then…

Vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv

MC: Someone's calling me… Wait what the frick it's from Monika?!

MM: Still nothing on her POV. . .

MC: *Answers* Hello Monika? Where are you?

Heavy breathing

MC: MM can you trace the call?

MM: *to MC* already on it… She's in this classroom?

MC: Guys MM just traced the call… and apparently she's in this classroom.

Sayori: The closet!

MC: *goes to closet* I'm not ready for this.

MM: I'm on her POV. It's now or never.

MC: *deep breath*

N: I gently open the door

MC: What?

MM: I still see nothing.

Yuri: Is she there?

MC: What the heck? There's no one in the closet.

MM: Wait there's a door… it's ajar!

MC: *Goes in* This room is empty… Wait! The window is open!

N: The others walk in …

Sayori: Do you think she jumped.