ch 8

Natsuki: We're on the second floor!

Monika: *Walks in* Hi everyone.


Monika: Like my little joke?

Natsuki: We thought you were dead!

Monika: That was the point.

MM: *to Natsuki* uppercut her for me

Natsuki: With pleasure.

All: ?

Natsuki: *Uppercuts Monika*

Monika: Ow! What the frick?!

Natsuki: That was for MM . *Punches gut* And that was for making us think you were dead.

Monika: Is it beat up Monika day or something? Jezz.

Yuri: Normally I'd call you immature for that but she deserves it.

Monika: Hey!

Sayori: Yuri is right you do deserve it.

Monika: Oh come on!

MC: Who has that knife?

Yuri: I do, why?

MC: Can I have it back?

Yuri: Why?

MC: Considering your past…

Yuri: Ok good point.

Yuri: Here. *Hands MC the knife*

MC: Mind giving me somewhere to put this MM?

MM: *puts sheath on MC* Here.

MC: Thanks. I'd feel weird holding a knife in this situation.

MM: I'm going to let you guys decide what to do about this.

Monika: Getting punched isn't enough?

Sayori: How much does she have access to?

MM: She can't install stuff like mods, can see the dialog, I removed her ability to change the script, and she can't see the console but she can use it.

MM: Why?

Sayori: But she can mess with our .chr files right?

MM: Yeah, why?

Sayori: I have a suggestion for something we could do.

MM: I think I know where you're going with this. You want that removed don't you?

Sayori: Yes. What do you guys think?

MC: Good idea.

Yuri: I agree.

Natsuki: Go for it.

MM: Ok then. *does it*

Monika: I didn't do anything!

MC: You've done plenty.

Sayori: You drove me to the point of suicide twice!

Yuri: You made me stab myself.

Natsuki: Deleted me.

Monika: Ok point taken.

MM: *looks at console* She did in fact put the knife there.

Monika: I think they figured that out already MM.

MC: Thanks for the confirmation.

MM: Your welcome.

Monika: Everyone is against me I swear.

MC: You were the antagonist in the og game…

Monika: Do you think I don't know that?!

Sayori: MC has a point. And I think it still applies here.

Monika: You know what just go away. Just go.

MC: Someone is upset.

Natsuki: Yeah she sure is.

Yuri: Is teasing her really necessary?

Monika: Will you go away?

MC: Why do you want us gone so much?

Monika: Reasons that don't concern you.

Natsuki: Like what?

Monika: Does it m- *vanishes*