ch 9

Monika's POV…

Monika: -atter?

Monika: Wait What? MM where am I?

MM: …

Monika: *looks around* wait this is the room I put MC in for act 3.

Monika: MM you'll put me back when I tell you right?

MM: … Yes.

Monika: Ok thanks. *sits down to think*

Directly after Monika vanishes…

Sayori: Where'd Monika go?

Yuri: MM do you know what happened?

MM: …

MC: Why do I feel like this has happened before?

Natsuki: Yeah me too.

Sayori: What do you mean?

MC: MM has Monika vanished like this before?

MM: I borrowed her yesterday and put her back in such a way you wouldn't notice.

MC: And you're not doing that now?

MM: Correct.

Yuri. Is Monika coming back?

MM: …

MC: Don't answer that's fine.

MC: Eh? The knife is gone.

Yuri: Perhaps MM deleted it?

MM: I'm gonna check on Monika…

Sayori: Can we come?

MM: I know MC can but I don't know about the others.

MC: Send me then!

Monika's POV

Monika: Hmm it worked.

Monika: Can I…? *summons MC*

Her Console: Command already pending

Monika: Wait what?

MC: *appears* Monika!

Monika: I'm right here. *puts knife back*

MC: Where's the knife?

Monika: In your sheath.

MC: *looks* What? I swear it was gone just a minute ago.

Monika: It was. I just put it back.

N: I notice a little gray box hovering in front of Monika.

MC: What is that Monika?

Monika: Did the others want to come with you?

MC: Well yeah but what does that happen to do with that box?

Monika: You'll see. *summons Sayori*

Sayori: -ok

Sayori: MM did you put me here?

MM: …

Monika: I brought you here.

Monika: *gives Yuri knife*

Moments before

Sayori: I hope she's- *vanishes*

Natsuki: Where'd she go?

Yuri: I don't know. *knife appears in hand*

Natsuki: Why do you have the knife?

Yuri: I-I don't know.