Chapter 11: Really Not Good

11: Really Not Good


I shove Jenna into the women’s restroom, ignoring the massive crowd streaming through the hallway and into the cafeteria.

“Whoa! Anyra? What the hell?” Jenna protests as I push her forward. Once in the room, I check every stall to ensure no one else is there. Satisfied we are alone, I turn and face her.

“We have a problem,” I say.

Jenna scrunches her eyebrows. “Yeah? What is it?”

“It’s Logan. He….people are saying that he benched over three hundred pounds today…by himself. His previous record was just under two hundred.”

Jenna held a hand under her chin, a finger resting on her lower lip. “Yes, I can see how that may be problematic.”

“How is this happening?” I question her, my voice pleading. “How is it even possible? He’s HUMAN. How can he suddenly possess that kind of strength?”

Jenna thinks for a moment. “Well, plenty of people can bench three hundred pounds. Maybe he just had a good day.” She shrugs.