Chapter 14: Terrible Truths

14: Terrible Truths


I stand in shock, staring down at my bare feet in the moon's pale glow. My stomach does summer saults, and my legs suddenly feel like they’re made of lead. I don’t know how to breathe anymore as my mind swirls in waves of confusion.

I try to focus on what Logan has just said and what it might mean. “You didn’t try to fit in. You are just you and no one else. And I think that’s beautiful.”

Did he really mean that? Could it be true? Does he think I’m beautiful?

I’m wearing ripped, faded jeans that did not come that way and a black hoodie with more than one hole in it. My dirty feet are covered with mud and who knows what else.

I look at my hands, the nails too long with dirt caught underneath. My hair is unkempt and flies wildly in the wind. I don’t even remember the last time I brushed it.