Chapter 13: Spy in the Night

13 - Spy in the Night


I decide to do something that may or may not be stupid, but my stupid brain can’t get rid of the idea. I keep thinking that if I just talk to her, REALY talk to her, I might be able to figure her out. I don’t know why I care so much. Maybe I shouldn’t. Maybe I really would be better off.

But I HAVE to know. I just have to.

I turn my truck on and bask for a moment, hearing the engine rev to life. I managed to skirt Jimmy and the guys so they couldn’t talk me out of it. Amy was the only problem.

Even now, I can see her heavily lined eyes piercing me from the school entrance. Her arms are crossed over her bulging breasts, which are barely covered by her shirt's thin fabric. I’m certain I’m not the only one who notices she isn’t wearing a bra.

I place the truck into reverse and navigate my way out of the parking lot, following the bus with the number three etched onto the side. This will be difficult, but worth it, I hope.