Chapter 33: Common Cause

33: Common Cause


“NICOLAS,” his name leaves a muddy footprint on my tongue as I whisper it into the darkness. The dreaded name of a father who only ever wanted to be rid of me haunts me as I try to sleep.

I lay on the well-used bed, staring at the darkened ceiling fan as it turns about the room. John had let us sleep in his spare rooms until the morning when we will meet the others.

I pull the covers over me, enjoying the warmth they give off.

Jenna lies next to me, softly snoring in a somehow endearing way. She’s sprawled out on the bed, her hair tied into tight braids.

Our moms are sleeping in the other room, sharing a king-sized bed, the same as Jenna and I.

It’s almost morning, I note as I look at the digital clock on the bedside table, and I haven’t slept a wink. Too many thoughts cluster inside my mind, yelling for attention.

I groan, painful emotions welling inside me yet again.