Chapter 34: A Pack of Prisoners

34: A Pack of Prisoners


I’ve been moved from the cozy cellar into what I assume is Nicolas’ throne room or as close to one as I can imagine. I’ve never actually been in a throne room unless you want to count the ones on TV.

I sit in a long room of wood and stone, lit orange by a large fire at the center. Nicolas is perched at the edge of an old Victorian-looking chair, tall and ancient, faded with age. But he still sits on it like a king on a throne.

I’m chained to the wall next to him, his trophy meant to be shown off. He decided this was the best way to show his intent for me, to scare me into telling him where Anyra is. Whatever his tactics are, they aren’t working.

People stream in and out of the long gathering hall, most are servants, by the looks of them, cleaning things, preparing food, or engaging in various other tasks.