Chapter 44: Family Reunion

44: Family Reunion


Fire blazes in my stomach as I see the horrible grin and glint of evil in Nicolas’ eyes as he presses the knife deeper into my mother’s flesh. Blood sprouts from the fresh wound, and she whimpers, tears in her eyes.

“I’m afraid you won’t be going anywhere,” he says, malice in his voice.

I gently set Logan back down on the ground. “No,” he tried. “What are you doing?”

“Stay here,” I tell him, eyes casting a warning.

I turn my attention back to my insane father.

“Let her go,” I growl, feeling my face flush with anger.

He laughs. “And why would I do that?” He smells her hair, taking a long whiff of it. “When she smells soooo nice?”

I take a step forward. “I said, let her go.” I can feel Anirbas screaming inside me to get out.

‘Kill him. Kill him. Kill him,’ she shouts.

‘No, not yet,’ I warn.