Chapter 45: Boundless

45: Boundless


I hear the thunderous sound of hundreds of paws scratching at the floor, which shudders beneath my feet. They heard me. They actually heard me!

When I saw Anyra’s eyes plead for help, knowing I was her only hope, I did the only thing I could think of. I asked for help.

I had dug deep down into a part of myself I’m certain was not there before.

‘HELP! SHE NEEDS HELP! HELP! HELP!’ I had cried with as much passion as I could muster. I poured my soul into my words, letting my love for her fill them and send them to those who could help her.

And they have come.

Wolves of all shapes and sizes burst into the large hall, tearing apart the doors and floor, filling the room from corner to corner. Clearly, not all of the wolves now here are from the original party. There is no way Anyra was able to gather that many wolves.