Chapter 46: Fallen Alpha

46: Fallen Alpha


I hear her just as she’s coming at me. I’m still breathing heavily from my fight with my father, my limbs barely able to keep me upright. I turn my head and see her jaw open, teeth waiting to bury themselves into my flesh.

I can’t move. I’m paralyzed. I think she’s going to get me, but then, a flash of white zooms past me so fast I barely blink before it’s come and gone. I hear a loud crash, and the two images hit the ground next to me.

I see a brief struggle between tan and white wolves that bite and claw each other. In a heartbeat, it’s over, and the tan wolf lies dead on the ground.

The white wolf, panting, turns to me, and I gasp in my mind. I almost didn’t recognize her, but now I see the familiar shape of my mother. Only now, her eyes aren’t green, the color of a Luna. Instead, they are brilliant amber, and they are shining with pride.