Chapter 34

As we approached Zone E's gate, I noticed a stationary government tank parked nearby. Initially, I assumed it was for the Residential Routine Check (RRC), but upon reflection, I realized it had never moved from that spot.

It was frustrating to think that the door to the outside world had been in front of us all along, yet we had failed to notice it.

I was berating myself for being so unaware when Park spoke up.

"Even the most perceptive person wouldn't suspect a thing if they weren't looking for it," he said, trying to console me.

His words rang true. Even Aidan, who was determined to escape Genesis and had some insight into how it operated, had never considered the possibility of a secret path other than the border wall.

"Can you explain the eye thingy to me again?"

He looked confused at first but quickly caught on. "Oh, you mean the biometric scanner? It requires a unique combination of retina and fingerprint scans to open the door."