A Mistake or On Purpose?


People who commit murder under the task of a client, the person who wanted the death of another.

Raven had lived a life similar to an assassin and so, she could tell the identities of the disturbing gazes on her body. The people hiding in places where she couldn't see them were assassins. Raven did not know what they were called in this world, but for her to be sensing evil intentions from them and directed to her, they were likely to be assassins.

Not feeling the presence of someone walking behind her, the head maid paused her footsteps. Glancing side ways, she felt puzzled by the sight of Raven just standing on a spot.

''Fourth young lady?'' She turned around questioningly to Raven smiling in a daze. Upon seeing the wide smile on her lips, the head maid was stunned. Normally, the reaction from the fourth young lady whenever she comes to the main manor was like a terror-struck rabbit.

As someone living under the Grand duke for a long time, she was the second person to know the Grand duke like the back of her hand. The weak fourth young lady was definitely an embarrassment to him despite having the purest blood as a Langston.

So imagine her surprise when she saw the fourth young lady not paled or almost fainting in fear at the entrance of the main manor. The fourth young lady had this reaction in the past and the head maid expected the same thing to happen again. The other servants in the main manor also expected the same as her.

Even after the sixth madam had walked away, ignoring her as always, the fourth young lady kept her smile, and entered the main manor without showing fear.

''Apologies for the slowdown, head maid.'' Still smiling, Raven met the questioning gaze of the head maid. ''This place is disturbing….as always.'' She had an idea of the head maid's thoughts. From the memories, the original owner always had an episode at the entrance of the main manor.

Well….fainting or tearing up like a baby was not in Raven's dictionary. She might have decided to behave just like the original owner, but there were some things that she would definitely not do. Whether people were shocked that she did not behave like the original owner or not was not of her business.

''…..'' The head maid did not expect Raven to voice her true thoughts. Even if the main manor was the place the fourth young lady disliked, she should still be courteous since this was the Grand duke's place. The Grand duke was also her father and yet the fourth young lady spoke a bit careless.

What if the Grand duke hears of this?

''It's best if fourth young lady hurries up. His excellency must be waiting.'' The head maid warned in a subtle way. The Grand duke was her master, and the fourth young lady being his daughter was also her master. Even if the fourth young lady was the least favored child of the Grand duke, she couldn't be slighted in the least.

''Head maid should lead the way.'' Raven did as if she was deaf to the warning. Why should she be considerate of the father she had never met?

Well….she did see him on the battlegrounds, but according to the memories of the original owner, the father and daughter had never interacted with one another. To be more precise, the Grand duke only interacted with his first two sons on his will. The other children were able to interact with him through their mothers. The original owner, on the other hand, was left alone. Her mother was also like her. The least favored wife of the Grand duke.

What a fitting match for both mother and daughter.

''Yes, fourth young lady.'' The head maid gave a quick bow and resumed leading the way. Every thought she had of Raven was pushed to the deepest corner of her mind. As a servant, she was forbidden to have thoughts of her master. This was the etiquette between a noble and a servant.

Just as the head maid had sized up Raven, Raven was doing the same. Her eyes rested on the head maid's feet before looking up at her back.

Her new father really had capable people around him.

For a servant like the head maid not to make a sound while walking, it takes a lot of skill to achieve that.

'Does the head maid know about the assassins here?' Raven suddenly wondered. The head maid was someone who always consoled the original owner during her episodes at the entrance of the main manor. Because of this, the original owner developed a sense of affection for the head maid.

Very naïve.

Raven's lips curled up into a sneer. The head maid was someone of the Grand duke, definitely not a normal person.

'Now about the assassins…' Raven moved her thoughts to the hidden gazes. She had given a quick survey of the interior of the main manor. Everything in this place screamed money. The walls were devoid of blemish, unlike the crumbled walls she previously saw before coming here. They were glossy and the same as the polished tiled floors. The vases, chandeliers, and floor candelabra looked too expensive and shiny. The luxury and extravagance of the hallway blinded Raven's eyes.

If the hallway was just like this, she wondered how the dining room would be, though she had an idea thanks to the original owner's memories. However, seeing it in reality was different from a memory.

The grand duke was a definition of the billionaires in her former life. But that was not of her concern right now.

The person or people behind the assassins watching her was definitely not normal. For the head maid not to react despite having fighting skills, she must know something.

The original owner's memories were limited with information. Raven had many memories, but everything was almost the same. This family dinner, having classes with tutors, having dinner without the sixth madam, playing with Jane, taking poison under force, and others that were not important.

Right now, she hoped to know more about the assassins, but she couldn't depend on the original owner's memories. Well…what should she expect from someone who couldn't stand one second in the face of danger?

To survive without memories, Raven decided to depend on herself. She was on her own in this unfamiliar world.

'How helpful.' Raven inwardly remarked sarcastically. Now that she analyzed everything, her situation was worse than she thought.

There were suspects she had in mind, but to solid her guesses, she needed to see them in the flesh and study their true characters.

''S-Second young master…'' The quivering voice of the head maid brought Raven to focus outside her thoughts. Her eyes met the same beautiful color as hers. Red like blood and sparkling like diamond. Apart from the Grand duke, she was the only one with the same color of eyes as him.

Oh wait….There was another person with the Grand duke's eyes according to the memories of the original owner.

The most favored child of the Grand duke, the second son and her new second eldest brother.

His name should be….

''Izer.'' Thoughtfully, Raven pronounced a name out loud. Her voice was soft, almost like a whisper, and the short and simple name rolled out of her lips easily. Whether it was a mistake or on purpose, Raven was the only one with an answer. However, the people in the pin-drop silent hallway thought differently.




From their perspective, The fourth young lady was someone who was scared of her siblings. Whenever she spoke to anyone of them, she always stuttered, and her body trembled in deep fear. It was as if she wanted to faint at any second just because of fear. To most of them, it was annoying because it would seem as if they had bullied her. Also, someone as weak as Raven was not on the same level as them.

In the Langston family, weakness was a taboo. The fourth young lady, the weakest person among them was that taboo. They looked down on her because of that.

Now that same taboo casually said the name of the feared second young master of the Langston family. A person the Grand duke favored for many years and has more chance than the first-born son and young master of succeeding him. How could the weak fourth young lady who always fainted at the sight of blood say his name so naturally?! Her elder siblings did not have the gut to even look at him in the eye, yet she, a person at the bottom of the food chain, did something like this!

The head maid fearfully shook on the spot. Just thinking about everything made her head a little dizzy. First, the fourth young lady did not cry or embarrass herself like always, second she caught the latter smiling to herself in a creepy manner, and now she said the name of the second young master. In his presence at that! Wasn't her previous warning not enough?!

Was there something wrong with the fourth young lady in the head?!

Didn't the fourth young lady know the second young master was someone exactly like the Grand duke?! Even if they were the only children of the purest blood, she was the least favored child of the Grand duke. With a word from the second young master, she could lose her life because of this disrespect, and the Grand duke won't say a word about it. The quiet sixth madam might even be happy that she was gone.

The head maid was also the same as everyone in the Langston family. She did not care one bit about the fourth young lady's life, but she feared the second young master deep within her aging bones. He was someone with no tiny bit of humanity left in him.

''S-Secon….'' When the head maid wanted to ease the tense atmosphere, a screeching voice was faster than her.

''How dare a lowly blood such as yours speak of my young master's name?!''

>>>>This extra chapter is a thank-you for 1000 views on WN, and 100 reads on Wattpad! The views on Tapas are coming up....so as always thanks and Vote Vote Vote!<<<