The Familiarity


'A lowly blood?' Still fixed on the vibrant eyes exactly like hers, Raven arched an eyebrow, thinking about the person's funny choice of words. Wait a minute…wasn't she a grand duke's daughter? People were supposed to respect her….right?

''Remove your gaze this instant!''

'Who's he?'

The voice similar to the sound of a wailing baby, took Raven's attention from her new elder brother, who was quite attractive to the eyes. Her gaze then landed on the man beside him, and sizing up the average appearance irked her a bit.

She was just marveling at her hot and handsome new elder brother, but this ugly man had to spoil that moment of admiration.

Probably noticing the annoyance in her eyes, the man increased the volume of his voice, and was practically screaming in the hallway. It was as if Raven's stare had flamed the fury in his heart.

''You should be grateful that you are his excellency's daughter!''

''You should also be grateful that you are my young master's youngest sister!''

''If it weren't for what happened years ago, you wouldn't have been born!''

''You are the weakest among the young masters and young mistresses, and you still have the nerve to be prancing around so arrogantly!''

''A disgrace to the Langston family and our ancestors!''

''His excellency is so generous….''

This man, that was still unknown to Raven, kept on screeching in the hallways. His voice was so loud that she did not doubt the people in the dining hall hearing the irritating voice.

Despite the disturbance, no one bothered to stop him around here. Raven sensed the head maid's stare and flicked her eyes to her.

The head maid almost jumped on the spot, not expecting her gaze. She had moved to the side, leaving Izer and the unknown man in Raven's front. She hurriedly avoided Raven's gaze, somewhat feeling guilty and uncomfortable.


The head maid was almost startled at her thoughts. Why was she feeling discomfort because of the weak fourth young lady?

As someone by the Grand duke's side, her hands have been tainted with blood of many. Compared to her, the fourth young lady was someone who always fainted at the sight of a drop of blood.

Yet, she was feeling uncomfortable? The head maid could not fathom her own thoughts. Why exactly did she have this feeling because of someone weaker than herself? Her brows creased together into confusion. Without thinking, the head maid raised her eyes again, and still met the fourth young lady's stare. For some reason, she sensed the latter was amused while staring at herself.

The reason behind that amusement….It was as if the fourth young lady knew her exact thoughts. Was that the reason why she was feeling uncomfortable? Not having an answer, the head maid lowered her gaze, still keeping quiet and keeping her thoughts to herself.

Perhaps she was feeling a little dizzy. She would have to fix up her messy sleep schedule.

''Haha…'' Raven couldn't hold in her small laughter any longer. Just as the head maid thought, her action was quite amusing to Raven. Was someone feeling guilty?

''How could you laugh?! Are you laughing at his excellency and my young master?!"

Oh right. She still needed to deal with him. Raven recalled that she was in the middle of someone admonishing herself.

But seriously, who was this man? For him to yell in the main manor like it was nothing, it was quite arrogant of him.

'Izer's subordinate?' Raven felt that was likely since the man made it clear with the title 'my young master.' There was also no like him in the original owner's memories, meaning the original owner did not interact with him. Well…she hardly interacted with people of her family.

Raven turned her gaze to her elder brother, who has not made a sound. He only stood quietly like a statue and kept on staring at herself. Raven wasn't surprised to meet his blank gaze. She also used this opportunity to admire the hot specimen right in front of her again.

Glossy ebony hair like hers, vibrant red eyes like hers…they were undoubtedly siblings. If it weren't for their different mothers, Raven might have believed that they were the closest blood-related siblings.

'His name feels familiar.' It wasn't the first time Raven thought like this. Ever since she woke up in this world, the name Langston was also very familiar to her.

Izer Langston was also a familiar name to her. It wasn't her first time hearing of it, meaning that she heard these names in her former life.

'But where?'

'Was it not in prison?' Raven could feel that she was about to unravel the mystery. Unfortunately, someone still had to remind her that he was still alive and breathing. His screeching voice was what annoyed Raven the most.

''How dare you disregard my young master?! Of course you will behave like a country bumpkin, thanks to your lowly blood. You should have given…..''

''You….shut up.'' Raven's voice was not particularly high or particularly low. It was normal, like her usual childish voice. There was nothing special, but the head maid standing at the side with her head down felt something unusual. If it weren't for her control, she might have flinched on the spot.

'…was it my imagination?' The head maid wondered, feeling the dampness on her back. That was a sign of fear, and there were two people who elicited fear from her.

The grand duke and the second young master.

Why was feeling the same for the weak fourth young lady?

While the head maid was in thoughts, Raven came to a decision. Since her elder brother did not want to stop the noisy pig, then she would have to do it, and probably turn him to a pork. Her annoyance had reached its peak.


''Big brother.'' Raven ignored the disbelief on the unknown man's face and looked at her elder brother, questioning him. ''Who is he?''


''H-How—How could you not know the family that has served the Langston for generations?!" The unknown man instantly exploded, his face red from humiliation. How could a descendant of the Langston family not know of his prestigious family that has been serving them?!

'So he's from a vassal's family.' Raven concluded silently. Her stare remained on her quiet elder brother's.

Then…he needed to know his place.

Raven sneered inwardly. She wasn't one to endure someone's bullying. Those dead, arrogant prison mates were a good example of people who tried to make her feel inferior.

''Can I kill him, big brother?'' Raven's question was unexpected.

''F-Fourth…'' The quiet head maid's head snapped up. She wanted to say something, but Raven's next words were quite sharp and merciless.

''I thought head maid was dumb. A mere person from a vassal family talks very rudely and arrogantly to myself. You as my father's head maid just stood like a deaf person, and watch as he embarrasses my family.'' She said everything without a pause. Her eyes moved to the head maid, staring down at her, even if she was the shortest person in the hallway.

''T-That….'' The head maid was embarrassed. The viscount's son wasn't the first to boldly insult the fourth young lady. No one did nothing about it, including the grand duke. Even the fourth young lady did nothing about the insults in the past. Why was it now that she complained? She even spoke as if the viscount's son insulted everyone in the Langston family.

''What?'' Raven's eyes narrowed at the head maid. The corner of her lips curled up into a tiny smirk. ''Head maid wants to argue? How rude of you. Father must be benevolent to have an audacious servant like yourself.''

Benevolent? The grand duke? The head maid knew those two words were impossible to mix.

''…Apologies for my ignorance, fourth young lady.'' The head maid lowered her head in a docile manner. She knew what she did was wrong. The fourth young lady was also smart and bold to use the Grand duke's name in making her to submit.

As a daughter of the grand duke, she represented the grand duke's name. The viscount's son insulting her was also an insult to the grand duke. It was also the same for everyone, but they forgot about that, since the grand duke did nothing about them being rude to the fourth young lady.

At the same time, the head maid couldn't help but wonder what happened to the fourth young lady? Her behavior was very unusual today. Did something happen after she fainted on the battle grounds? But this was not the first time she had fainted, and she was always the same after waking up.

''It's good that you know your mistake, head maid. This must not repeat itself.''

"Yes, fourth young lady.'' The head maid lowered herself more. The fourth young lady was right. This must not repeat itself as her master's name was at stake.


''Big brother, can you answer my question?'' Raven turned her gaze to her elder brother. She blatantly ignored the man standing aside and voiced her remaining words with a grin.

''I am a very impatient person and that is something unknown to others.'' That was very true to people in her new life. In her former life, well…the people who knew were ten feet underground.

''...'' The same as before, Izer kept quiet. Nothing escaped his lips.

''Young master! This servant is looking out for your best interest! The fourth young lady has disrespected your name!'' The viscount's son yelled and snorted in his heart. Kill him? Kill him for what? Wasn't it rumored that she hated the sight of blood? How could she even think of ending his life when he could end her worthless little life in a matter of minutes?!

''...'' Izer still kept quiet with the noisy man near his ear. His stare remained on his youngest sister, never shifting to another from the beginning.

''Raven.'' Her name was the first to come out of his lips. His voice, low-pitched and strong. An enigmatic voice that sends shivers to his enemies, and many who feared him.

''Yes, big brother?'' Raven blinked her big eyes to her elder brother. Her action emitted an innocent countenance, but her previous words were not and the exact opposite.

''You can.'' He gave an answer that made the viscount's son to almost choke on his saliva and next words.

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