Yulestroth Syndrome (9): The Morning After Years

The young Yevian's eyes slowly opened.

He found himself within the comforts of a snow-white bed in an infirmary of sorts.

"Did I... lose?"

His entire body ached disastrously.

He was all alone.

From what he grasped, his final attack combination had failed.

Ironically, his opponent only landed 1 attack on him. He had worn himself down far too much resulting in his loss.

"I feel weird."

Yevian spoke outwards blankly.

"I feel like something's missing."

He lazily pulled himself up.

And then everything came crashing down into his mind.

The promise.

His Father planned to take him to the Infinity Dungeon if he won the noble Youth Division tournament.

That he hadn't.

A tidal wave of human dilemmas sucked into him like a brainstorming vortex.


The young Yevian attempted to sprint from the bed he was laid on but fell into the floor, face-first and in tremendous agony.
