Yulestroth Syndrome (10): The Dawning

"Are you..."


Ridon Yulestroth's agony-torn face scrunched up as he looked at the teenage boy before him.

Yevian nodded emotionlessly.

"Son of Ridon Yulestroth. Your son, to be exact."

Ridon gulped down.

"How long has passed?"

Yevian scratched his head in boredom.

"A few years. I lost the tournament as you know and then you disappeared. Mother was caught by the Crystal Night curse and I was left with the duke."

"So why did you return now of all times Father?"

"Are you perhaps returning victorious?"

"Did you clear the infinity dungeon?"

His Father's figure shook.

"Listen, boy."

"I have little time left."

"Soon... Oh so soon."

"I will not be the man I once was."

"I will be some hollowed shell. I will not be your Father."

"Just whatever remains of him."

Yevian's breath abruptly shuddered.

"What do you mean, Father?"

His Father almost teared up.