Ruloy (3): The Ceremony of Achievements

3 days passed until the slower students were physically yanked out of their separate dungeons.

Now student life would return after the Award Ceremony.

Currently, Julius, Yevian, and the entire student body sat on the 4 tables of their designated houses.

Outside, it was dark and gloomy whilst inside it was warm and dull.

The green attire of the students didn't camouflage their tiredness.

It was currently 11 PM.

The headmaster seemed to have time troubles frequently as his speech podium was blatantly empty.

It had been a boring 30 minutes or so.

Every time a student attempted to talk to an opposing student they would very swiftly find a teacher, on most occasions Professor Silver, standing right behind them. Writing their name down on the three-strike detention list.

(Three strikes=Detention.)

Yevian was already on two so he had stuffed his face into the table to resist all urgencies to speak.
