Wings(1): Part 1 of 2

"I'm sorry. Did you say that there was a Revenant nearby?"

Lucius Elwater diligently listened to the cries of a few weeping villagers as they described the horrors that had descended no more than a week ago. 


An old lady wrapped in colored scarves whined.

"It was like a knight, but its armor was black. Recently the village soil has been darkening and it was the reason why."

She teared up.

"During the times of peace, we villagers could cross to the neighboring village through the short-cut to trade and exchange with the people there. But many went missing and nobody noticed."

"We only knew that the black knight had been killing all the Villagers when a little boy barely made it out alive..."

Lucius nodded in sadness.

"And you said something about wings I believe?"

The old lady shuddered.