Calm (1): Julius-Ball

Classes had been canceled for the following week, most of the teachers had gone on Holiday to strange places, far and wide in anticipation of the school trip which had now been canceled.

Since only Professor Silver remained as the Headmaster was attempting to clean up the 'misguiding event' that had taken place, all classes were put off for a week.

Julius and Yevian merely settled into the common room.

The huge dreary carpets had been set down and behind the windows, one could see the deep forest of Ruloy.

Despite the grand stature of Ruloy, there was little to do.

There was a pub, but it had closed down 2 decades ago.

There were a few magic-powered arcade games but they currently had lines that stretched all the way to the back walls of the common room.

Julius and Yevian were slumped on a cushy red sofa, engaging in limited socializing.