Calm (2): Meeting with the Headmaster

A week passed with nothing but Julius-ball.

To think of such a genius game, Julius truly deserved more credit.

Classes rebooted and the teachers returned in a hurry.

The headmaster returned looking worse than ever and several search parties spread out into the crash scene from the Day Trip Event.

"Where are the sausages?"

Yevian looked around with a mouth stuffed full of scrambled eggs in distress.

Julius shrugged with a moody face. He had gotten an hour of sleep last night due to the continuous banging sounds that kept on emerging from the other side of Ruloy.

The side that belonged to the Dragon House.

Julius sighed with dreary eyes.

"I don't know... You probably ate them all."

Yevian thought to himself curiously.

"Is that so..."

Julius groaned.