Lost Night (18): To Save One Or Two

  Julius' mind was rampant with curses and flaws as he struggled to make his way to the outskirts of Ruloy, where the west Tower stood tall.

'Since when was Gargoyle clinically depressed?'

'She seemed like the happiest person in the entire school whenever I saw her.'

'And the way she wrote that letter... It's as if she doesn't care about life in the slightest. It's like her determination for this sick cause is immovable."

'I get that she's allergic to sunlight but there's no way she'll give up her life for a touch of the sun.'

Julius felt the cold air swoosh across his stiff green Ruloy uniform.

He looked forth, the dark sky could not erode the stale clarity of the towers of Ruloy.

Julius found the tower with an ironic tower symbol hanging above it.

And from there he sprinted like there was no tomorrow, he sprinted so wildly that he was afraid the top half of his body would get left behind.