Lost Night (19) Letter Of The Past/ Demons Of The Night

Gargoyle and Julius stared at each other in extremely ostracizing silence.

Gargoyle thought back to an old conversation.

An old conversation that she had deliberately avoided confronting for quite some time.

It all started from a visit to the Demon Duke Sir Balguet in which Gargoyle's small homely journey had truly begun.

A girl knocked on a heavy blood-wood door.

It held a reddish tinge in its pallor and every time the small girl knocked on the door, the skin on her hand squirmed pathetically.

The girl was too old for such childish behavior, she could've simply opened the door with her Status as the Granddaughter of the Demon King, but alas time had caused her fear to branch out into her everyday actions like a bad habit.

The door didn't swing open.

Rather, a deep humanized voice merely throttled through it.

"Young Teraphoy."

"Do you wish to step into the land infested by sun and sorrow?"