Chapter 4 The Last Straw

  Aria's POV

His words were as sharp as a razor blade, too severe and brutal. He is ruthless, cruel, and fierce. 

He doesn't love me which is obvious, he doesn't even care. Soon he was going to be crowned the Alpha of this Pack, I know what he was going to do picking Amber as his mate and then having me banished from the Pack. 

I sniffed before I felt someone push me from behind causing me to twist my wrist as I fell into the muddy water in front of me.

Turning around, I shivered in fear as I watched Amber match toward me. She is not with her minors, this time she came alone.

"How… how can I help you, Amber?" I stammered as I battled with the right word.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" With a wicked smirk lingering across her lips, she asked.

"Hmm… Yeah, maybe," I mumbled.

"Maybe…" She drawled.

"Um… I mean yes," clearing my throat, I shivered


"You know sometimes, I wonder why you were still alive… You are better dead than been alive," 

"Your presence irritates me, not only that it irritates me, it is like a thorn in my flesh…" 

I stared at her with pain and anger as hatred and irritation flashed across her eyes. 

She irks evil, her attitude sucks that I sometimes wonder what Allen sees in her apart from her beauty, other things concerning her are zero.

"You are worthless, Aria… You think that I am a fool, a blind she-wolf," she scowled.

"How shameless and foolish you had become, I left you for some minutes and you thought that you could flirt around, not only around but with my man!" She yelled the last word causing me to instantly flinch back in fear.

I so much wanted to tell her that her so-called boyfriend of hers was no other than my mate! 

The one that the Moon Goddess has paired me with.

"I have nothing to do with your man," I forced the word out though the last word hurts. 

It hurts to call my mate, my Allen, her man. It hurts!! But I couldn't do anything.

"Don't you dare take me as a fool because I saw everything," she lashed out.

"He came to me," I defended.

"Then what is caging your legs from running away?" She blurted.

"I did run but he is faster than me,"

"Ah!" I cried out as I held my cheeks with anger and pain reflecting in my eye.

"How dare you lie against Allen?" She slapped me again across the other side of the cheeks. 

"I can never lie against him, I meant everything, please let me go," I cried.

"You whore, you disgust me," 

"Of all people, you came for my man… have you lost it completely?" She kicked me in my ribs causing me to groan in pain.

"What's going on here?" I heard a voice behind me, it was Allen.

God please, why me? I am screwed.

"Babe…" Turning around she sealed her lips with that of Allen, my blood fumes as I watched their lips move in sync.

His hand sneaks around her waist as he pulls her closer to his body, my heart crumbles as I watch with distress and grief how Amber acts all innocent and calm. 

This was an angry wolf trying to devour me a minute ago.

It hurts that Allen couldn't even acknowledge my presence. His whole focus was on Amber.

"What is this thing doing here?" Amber's brother, Taylor, coldly snapped.

"Ooh! About that…" a wicked smile sneaked onto her lips. 

"I was just trying to teach her a lesson," she mumbled.

"Without us…" her minors whined.

"Just wanted to deal with her all alone," she uttered with a devilish smile. 

"What happened," Allen cut in with an icy tone.

"Babe, she called you names," she fabricated as Allen and others hurled deadly glares at me.

"I… I…"

"SHUT UP!!" Allen growled loudly. 

"She said that you were chasing her and forcing her into having intimate relations with you," she prevaricated.

"What!!" The minors screamed with their hands half covering their mouth.

Taylor glared coldly at me with his fist clenched in anger.

I stared at Amber with shock and surprise, how could she fabricate everything that just happened now? Always have a way of making me look like the wrong one.

"That's not true," kneeling instantly, I pleaded.

"Shut up! You ugly thing," he lashes out at me.

I know that he might be thinking that I told Amber about us.

"How dare you, dirty pieces of trash," Allen condemned. He walked toward me with a predatory step.

"Please, believe me," I rapidly mumbled as I pleaded for him to understand but I knew that I was just pouring water on the rock. 

"What good will your words do now, it has caused more damage than good…" Taylor uttered.

"Is the gut for me," Jessy muttered with disbelief all over her face.

"You are nothing but a curse, a misfortune," Allen foul-mouthed, and as usual, he exuded a cold and distant aura. His sharp and ruthless gaze pierced straight through my heart, breaking me.

"Everyone should leave, I need to have a word with my little mouse," Allen declared.

"But babe…"

"I mean for everyone to leave," He uttered leaving no room for a discussion.

"Do you guys have to waste my time, Taylor!" He called in a clipped tone with an icy expression. 


He shot Taylor a glare causing him to shut his mouth, he glanced at everyone as they turned around and left the place without a second thought.

I was only left alone with him. The atmosphere was terrifying for me. 

My pale eyes stare at him as he paces back and forth in anger.

"I hate it that I can still smell you," He complained.

"I thought that I warned you to leave the Pack and never return. So tell me why you are still lurking around here?" He almost screamed at me.

"I need you far away from me, you disgust me," He barked out with wrath.

"You are going to complicate things for me, Aria, so I need you to vanish into the thin air," he states.

"I have no way to go please don't send me away," kneeling I held his leg as tears trail down with my lips trembling.

"Get the fuck out of my sight!" He forcefully shoved me away from him as if I were a plague.

"On the day that I will be crowned the Alpha, I will banish you as my first act as the Alpha of the Bright Moon Pack," he spits.


"Why me, Allen?" I cried out.

"Alpha Allen to you, dumbass," He snapped.

"Not anymore Allen, after all, you don't want me," I muttered.

My hands grew clammy as I clenched my shorts due to my fraying nerves. 

His eyes narrowed as his dark orbs brimmed with scorn and his brow twitched slightly as he leaned a bit and forcefully grabbed my chin before growling in a low and dangerous tone 

"You have grown a spine, Aria… what a nice move?"

Leveling my gaze with his, I mumbled, "I didn't grow any spine, my only offense was loving you, Allen!" 

He froze before his eye was replaced with anger and provocation, and he forcefully shoved me away.

I stumbled back, losing my balance, and my head collided with the rock beside there. Blood dripped down from the spot as I scraped my elbow from the sharp edges of the rock. 

"Leave my Pack! I don't ever want to hear from you again or to get a glimpse of your sight in this territory again," he spat. 

Not only did he reject me, but he also wanted to strip anything away from me.

"Allen… Allen," I called with a heart full of bruises and wounds.

"Leave and never return… " He paused.

"If I see you here again, Aria, death will be your answer," he stomped out of the place leaving me once again in pain and distress.

Closing my eyes, I allowed silent tears to trail down my cheeks.

He doesn't want me! They don't want me! So there was no need to stay here in the first place, I am just occupying space.

Forcing myself up, with wobbling legs. I stride towards the cliff, below the cliff was enormous water rushing down to God knows where.

I slowly look up to the sky and let out a small sad smile. 

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I bit my tongue to control my emotions. "I will be back, Allen…"

That was my only word before I closed my eyes and jumped out off the massive cliff.