Chapter 5 A Rescuer

  Khalid's POV

The atmosphere is hectic and the heat surging out from the sun wasn't helping the matter at all.

I am the son of the Lycan King, the sovereign of the werewolf realm.

Not having a mate is like a thorn in my flesh, especially when I've been stuck inside the pack house all day seeing how cozy and lovely people are with their mates.

Sometimes I feel like I am suffocating and choking to death, and today instead of sticking myself inside the room all day. I decided to take a walk around the woods and also go on adventures for days.

Striding through the woods with my Beta, Amon beside me, we kept chatting and throwing jokes at each other.

"Remember that your father requests that we return a day after tomorrow," he reminds me amidst our laughter, causing my forehead to deepen in a frown.

"To get trapped in there with tons of pack paperwork," I sighed, earning a chuckle from Amon.

"What's funny!" I frowned at him, shutting him up.

"Nothing," he shrugged, "Just the fact that you already know what awaits you back home," he teased.

"Who knows how many loads of work will be assembled at your desk waiting for your return," he poked fun at me, earning a sharp glance from me.

"And better get yourself ready for the tons of work because you won't escape it this time around," I threaten him.

Gulping hard he rubs his jaw with his neck tilted to the other side.

"I know that you just didn't want to go on an adventure," I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" 

"You came to search for her again pretending that you need to stare around the state for a while," he chuckles.

Gritting my teeth angrily, I let out a sigh. I hate the fact that he knew me too well and of course, I came all the way here to look for her.

To search for my better half, the one that the Moon Goddess has paired me with.

Sadly, I have searched for her for years and in different packs for a long time without succeeding.

"Whatever," I groaned and quickened my step.

"Hahaha..." I scoffed as his laugh erupts through the air.

"Is the way that you keep searching for her and on the other hand acting like you didn't care," 

"I hope that you find her soon because I do miss my friend who was once jovial but is now a jerk," I stopped on my track at his words and veered around to look at him.

My gaze was sharp with my orbs brimming in anger but still, that didn't flinch him instead, it widened his laugh.

"Whatever," I hissed and whirled around.

"Come on buddy don't leave me here!" He cracks, earning a warning growl from me.


"Shhh," instantly stopping on my track, I urged him to close his mouth.

Using my eyes I glanced around trying to know if I could see something, my ears perked up.

We remained in that position for minutes as my eyes darted with speed scanning the woods.

"Come on, bro!" Amon groaned, "What is..."

"Shhh," I shuu him again but that blockhead is not having it this time around.

"What is it please don't shut me up with any better explanation," he rolls his eyes at me.

Glaring at him for a while, I sighed before saying, "I just heard a sound right now," my eyes darting.

"You just heard a sound," I nodded at him.

"Yeah that's possible," I turned to look at him.

"What do you mean?" 

"Because we were inside the woods, so anything is possible," he gave his shoulder a slight shrug.

Rolling my eyes at him, I puff with my hands running through my hair. Seeing us arguing you might think that we are enemies or never get along but honestly, we are like this thing called glue.

The only person that I am sure can come in between us is my mate, that is the only person that I am sure can take his place in my life because he is like my brother more than a friend to me.

"Can you ever be serious?" I scowl.

"Hmm... Whatever! I know that I am telling the truth though," he murmured.

And just then a feminine voice came along the quiet woods filling the one place with her angelic thinner voice.

Giving Amon a small look, he nodded at me as we both hurried in the direction that the sound was coming from.

I don't know but it feels like the voice was calling unto me for help. Amon's serious look has slipped in.

Coming in the track that led in three directions, we stood in the middle and stared around with our ears raised a bit, striving to know if we could hear the sound again.

"I can't hear a thing," Amon said with a heavy breath.

"Same here," before the words could finish rolling out from my lips, the sound came again.

But this time it was from our front, exchanging a look with Amon, we rushed toward the direction, and to my utmost surprise, I saw a feminine slender figure drowning in the water.

My eyes widened, what could a girl like her be doing in that water, this is an enormous ocean that can easily freeze a soul within a few minutes.

"What are you planning on doing?" Amon asked in a quicker tone but without a second thought, I shocked his hands off me and dived inside the water.

Swimming myself toward her direction, the water is almost at her neck level as she battled to survive with his eyes shut.

Reaching her army's length, I grabbed hold of her. Flipping her at my back, I started swimming out from the ocean.

It wasn't easy but thank goodness that at least I can swim.

Reaching the shore, Amon helped me drop her to the ground. Slowly holding his nose, we parted her lips slightly before quietly pressing her chest.

Checking her pulse, I proceeded with giving her a mouth to mouth respiration. I don't know but as my lips draw closer to her my heart quickens.

Even with her eyes closed, she seems glamorous and breathtaking.

Before my lips could touch hers, I noticed her flip around and that's when Amon came up that my father requested our presence at the pack.

I thought that I was given a two days break but my typical father couldn't bear not seeing me for hours, fuck the holiday.

Giving her one last glance, I stood up and left with Amon though with one wish in my heart that the Moon Goddess should send her a rescuer. So that she won't get in any danger all alone here.