CHAPTER 28 You Smell Great

  Aria's POV

  I felt irritated at what happened back then with the royals, this is my first time meeting them and I don't feel so pleased.

  I could feel rage running through my blood with my face contoured in anger.

  Not minding the tons of guards that were following me behind, I stride outside with the hope of finding Davis.

  Stepping my foot outside the pack surroundings, I started hearing murmurings from the crammed crowds out there.

  They have a look of curiosity and their eyes are clouded with confusion as they wonder if I am the mate of their Prince.

  But seeing the tons of guards behind me, you can believe that I am the Prince’s mate.

  I hate the fact that I have these guards patrolling around me but come to think of it, a smile always graced my lips just the mere thought of the look on Allen and Amber's faces knowing that I got a Prince for myself.