CHAPTER 29 Call Me Khalid

  Aria's POV

  I still wonder what drives me inside this room because I hate our sickening position.

  A light chuckle left his lips as he inched closer, pulling me to himself. I could feel his minty breath panning my cheeks.

  My legs went weak as I stare into those eyes of his.

  "You don't have any idea how much I have been restraining myself from marking you since I set my eyes on you," He said when baring out his sharp and elongated fangs.

  I flinched at the sharpness of those, they are too long, and this is the first time that I am seeing them.

  The mere imagination of him sinking those into my neck had me whimpering in fear.

  He stared down at my neck and I quickly placed my hand on my neck to avoid him marking or getting any glimpse of it.

  He chuckled at my sudden reaction before saying," Not now, kitten but soon,"

  I trembled at his promise before I felt him bury his head back in my neck.