Damian's POV

  The day of our exhibit is today. On that day, there will be a big crowd and lots of surprises and announcements. I recalled what had happened to me the previous week; there had been an investigation into it, and I had kept it from my family. I don't want them to be concerned or aware of anything that has happened to me during the previous few days.

  Mommy was fixing my suit and daddy's when she asked, "Are you ready? Too bad your grandfather can't come.

  I responded with a smile, "It's okay mommy, there are videos coming out that I think grandfather will appreciate, and grandpa can watch us on the TV in his room."

  I was given my black tuxedo by her, and she grinned. I smiled as I combed my hair.

  She fixed my necktie and said, "Are you okay? Are there no more problems in your marriage? I regularly see you and Sabrina coming to the restaurant together and laughing together during working hours."