Sabrina's POV

  As the exhibit began, I was taken aback by how many people there were in the arena. Since the invitations are exclusively extended to business associates and those who have collaborated with the businessman on projects, we had only anticipated a small number of guests. Observing them is incredibly enjoyable, especially when Damian smiles because he is confident that the exhibit he created will be a success.

  "Are you happy?" I asked and looked at Damian.

  "Yes. Super!" Damian said in a happy voice and smiled. "This was my dream before and finally, I can do it with my own version and my own flow of events."

  "I'm sure your grandfather will be happy when he sees this on TV," I said with a smile.

  After adjusting my outfit, I turned to face the visitors. The vintage wines that have grown popular due to their excellent taste are introduced by Damian's assistant secretary up front, much to the confusion of the audience.