Damian's POV

  Shannon needs to check on Sabrina and wants to make sure everything is alright, so she hasn't yet sent her home. Shannon becomes irate when Sabrina remains intransigent and insists that she must leave, even if she wants to go home but is unable to do so. I just shook my head since you can't really stop Shannon from acting out and saying anything when she's angry. Only you must follow orders since everyone else will engage in violent fighting.

  "I really want to go home, Doc."

  With evident impatience, Shannon sighed. She was already anxious, so I bit my lip and restrained my laughter.

  "It's not possible yet. I haven't even gotten your medicine yet and I told you, right? You'll be here for three days and when you feel better, you can go home and do what you want!" Shannon states forcefully but plainly chooses not to become irate.

  She rose up and moved in front of us before sitting down abruptly and saying, "But, I'm OK! I can walk."