Sabrina's POV

  "Nobody's going to jail."

  I quickly glanced away from Damian after biting my lip hard. Grandma's health is a concern for me even if I know I don't enjoy it. I am aware of how much she cares for her kids and will sacrifice anything for them, even if it negatively affects those around her. I know that because I was a parent and I saw firsthand what grandma accomplished for all of us.

  "I'm begging Sabrina, whatever they did, it was just an outburst of anger; they didn't mean it. My two daughters are already working."

  It's no longer good; Grandma's hands are trembling and tears are welling up in her eyes. Damian caught my attention, and I could tell he was keeping quiet from his strong, serious expression on his face. I gave Dr. Shannon a smile as I turned to face her and got up from my chair.

  "Grandma needs to rest, so we can take her home; I'll accompany her." I smiled. "Doc."

  "But Sabrina—Fine." She looked at me and shook her head.