Damian's POV

  I cautiously opened my eyes after being awakened when I couldn't feel a hug from behind me. I was astounded to discover Sabrina had vanished. I looked at the time as soon as I got up; it was still early, but I couldn't figure out why I felt anxious. I sighed and hurried to the restroom. I noticed that Sabrina was using a comb, and it had hair on it.

  I grabbed my phone right away. "Good day, Mr. Jackson."

  [Yes, Villaruel? Anything you need?]

  I replied, "I noticed some hair strands here and I believe this one belongs to Sabrina. observing the plasticized hairs that have been added."

  [That's awesome! He will go to the hospital if you give that to my secretary. Prepare for your upcoming news conference.]

  I said, "Thank you, sir," and he instantly hung up.