Sabrina 's POV

  "Just shut up, bitch!"

  I kept screaming and struggling inside the big van. I don't know them and I don't know what their motives are toward me. I don't even know why they took me. I'm afraid of what could happen and I'm afraid that this might be the last day I breathe.

  "I told the boss. We got Saldivar's daughter."

  "Shut up! You can't move that girl!"

  My forehead is wrinkled and my tears are falling one after another. It was the first time I was kidnapped and it was the first time I encountered people I didn't know. The incident added to the trauma because I remembered my grandmother's three children again. Couldn't they have done it again? Couldn't they have kidnapped me?

  "We're almost there. Just fix it, that girl must be well-tied. It can't be without that."

  "Are we going to take this girl to the island?"